Garden Terrace Skyscrapers
The garden terrace, located in the Financial District of Boston in 2287, showcases the remnants of a once-elegant rooftop terraced garden. In its current state, it features a fountain surrounded by dead grass, old lamps, and damaged trees. Accessible through the roof exit of Haymarket Mall or by traversing along the elevated highway from the third-floor exits of Commonwealth Bank and the Congress Street garage, the terrace presents a scenic yet perilous environment. Be prepared for a confrontation with a leveled deathclaw upon arrival, with the possibility of encountering two at higher levels.
Northeast Corner and Monorail Connection:
The northeast corner of the terrace links to a broken monorail that has crashed through an adjacent apartment building. Access to the monorail cars is facilitated by scaffolding on the side of the building. The cars hold various items, including suitcases, a duffle bag, and a steamer trunk. Notably, the front car serves as the vantage point for the Weathervane quest and houses a hostile Protectron.
Exploring the Building:
The nearby building, inaccessible to the deathclaw, can be entered through its rooftop door. Within, five accessible floors can be explored either by dropping through holes in the floors or using an elevator connecting the top and lowest floors. Loot opportunities include a steamer trunk on the top floor, a cooler on the second-lowest floor, and an Advanced-locked safe partially buried in the rubble on the lowest floor.
Notable Loot
- Stealth Boy: Found on the second-lowest floor of the apartment building, next to a TV.
Related Quests
- Weathervane: Involves the broken monorail located within the area.
- Sometimes, when the deathclaw(s) respawn, they may be found hanging on the east side of the building between two railings, seemingly unaware of the player character’s presence. They will become hostile upon approach or when shot at.
Interactive Map Locations

1. Commonwealth World Map
On top of a skyscraper near Haymarket Mall. Home to a
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