Urumi Whip
This weapon made of extremely thin, flexible blades of metal is wielded like a whip by Nightfolk warriors.
Though in essence a whip with a cutting edge, it can also be used as a spear to pierce foes.
Default Skill

The Urumi scales primarily with Dex and is a good back-up Weapon for quality-build or dex-focused players using striking weapons, as it has both slash and pierce damage types.
- Caria Manor: you can obtain the
Urumi by starting from the
Manor Lower Level Site of Grace and heading east outside across the walkway. Go further east past the tower and across the next walkway to another tower and then turn left. Jump down to the east onto a keep with a glowing blue lantern then go south down a wooden staircase and then turn left to find a group of hands guarding a corpse containing the Urumi.
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