Eleonora's Poleblade Twinblade
Twinned naginata forged in the Land of Reeds.
Chosen weapon of Eleonora, Violet Bloody Finger.
Her mastery of the sword was such that her onslaught was likened to a whirlwind, but now her legacy is stained by accursed blood.
Passive Effect 1
Causes blood loss buildup
Default Skill
Bloodblade Dance
Eleonora’s Poleblade scales primarily with Dexterity and Arcane and is a good Weapon for building and causing bleed against enemies.
- At the end of Yura Finger Hunter’s quest line.
Notable Info
- Weapon Skill: Bloodblade Dance
- This weapon cannot be infused with Ashes of War
Eleonora’s Poleblade can be upgraded by using Smithing Stones
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