Albinauric Staff Glintstone Staff
Short staff with a blue glintstone embedded. Wielded by the Albinaurics of old.
The Albinaurics harbor a secret; they cast sorcery using their innate arcaneness.
Default Skill

The Albinauric Staff scales with Strength, Intelligence, and Arcane, and is a good Weapon for Arcane builds.
- Found in
Volcano Manor near the
Guest Hall grace. Head left from the bonfire, then left again, taking the stairs to the next floor. Head outside and take the ladder to your left onto the roof. Go to the back of the roof and jump off the right side to be taken to a room with an Omenkiller, the
Albinauric Staff, and Albinauric Mask.
Notable Info
- This weapon cannot be infused or buffed
Albinauric Staff can be upgraded by using Smithing Stones
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