Greatsword Colossal Sword
A coarse iron lump of an ultra greatsword.
Mows down foes by utilizing its incredible weight.
Though handling it likely requires the wielder to have surpassed the realm of the merely human, it is precisely for this reason the weapon is used to slaughter even inhuman foes.
Default Skill

The Greatsword scales well with Strength and to a lesser degree Dexterity. It is a good Weapon for cleaving mutiple foes at once with its wide swings.
- Found in Caelid, Dragonbarrow. North-west to the
Caelem Ruins Site of Grace, inside of the caravan guarded by enemies.
Notable Info
- Weapon Skill:
Stamp (Upward Cut)
Greatsword can be upgraded by using Smithing Stones.
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