Rosus' Axe Axe
Usher of Death, Rosus, who shows the path to the catacombs throughout the Lands Between, is depicted on this ritual axe.
The dead easily lose their way, and have always been in sore need of a guiding hand.
Default Skill
Rosus's Summons
Rosus’ Axe is a magical axe that scales primarily with Strength and Intelligence. Has the unique skill Rosus’s Summons.
- Behind an Imp Statue in the
Black Knife Catacombs which requires a
Stonesword Key to remove. Enter the dungeon and turn left, then left again from the boss room door and down some stairs. At the bottom on the left is a little nook with the Imp Statue. Use the Key and enter the room to find the corpse propped against a tomb which contains the
Rosus’ Axe.
Notable Info
Unique skill: Rosus’s Summons.
Raise the axe aloft to summon those lost in death. Three skeletons will appear at a distance and attack in tandem before vanishing.
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