Thawfrost Boluses Recovery
Ice-hued boluses made from cave moss.
Craftable item.
Alleviates buildup of frost and cures frostbite ailment.
Frost accumulates gradually, causing damage and inflicting frostbite once the threshold is reached.
Vulnerability to damage increases for a certain duration.
Thawfrost Boluses is a craftable consumable item that can be used by the player to alleviate the buildup of frost and cure frostbite ailments.
Thawfrost Boluses can be obtained from the Mountaintop of the Giants treasure. There are two found on a body hiding from a cliff behind an enemy.
- Thawfrost Boluses are found Mountaintops of the Giants: Two are found on a corpse at the edge of the cliffs behind and below Heretical Rise.
To craft Thawfrost Boluses you will require the Nomadic Warrior’s Cookbook [16] as well as the following Crafting Materials:
- Cave Moss x1
Crab Eggs x1
- Herba x1
Notable Info
- Hold up to 99
Thawfrost Boluses.
- 600 Thawfrost Boluses
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