Soap Recovery
A plant-based soap made from mushroom juice.
Craftable item.
Cleans off filth and other accumulations on the body while also slightly reducing poison buildup.
Filth covering the exterior eventually seeps inside, soiling one’s very spirit.
Soap is a craftable consumable item that can be used to remove filth and other accumulations on the player’s body while also slightly reducing poison buildup. It has cosmetic uses, to keep your character looking pristine, but also functional uses. For example:
- If your character is wet this reduces your lightning resistance and increases your fire resistance slightly.
- If your character is covered in oil this cause the next fire damage you receive to deal significantly more damage to you.
- If your character is covered in poisonous swamp water this will cause the water’s inflicted ailment to build up for a time even after you leave the swamp.
Map Locations
- Can be bought from the Nomadic Merchant in Siofra River for 400 Runes.
- Four can be obtained from a body that is guarded by a
Basilisk in the ant nest near
Ainsel River Downstream.
To craft Soap you will require the
Nomadic Warrior’s Cookbook [17] and the following Crafting Materials:
- Melted Mushroom x2
Notable Info
- Hold up to 99
- Store up to 600 Soap
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