Pureblood Knight's Medal Other
Proof that one is a glorious knight of the new Dynasty of Mohgwyn that the Lord of Blood will inaugurate.
Use to be granted audience with Mohg. Only, it is not yet time.
For Mohg yet slumbers beside the Divinity.
Be patient. The new dynasty is nigh.
Pureblood Knight’s Medal is a Tool that can be used to grant a Audience with Mohg. Teleports the player to just outside the steps of Mohgwyn Palace near the
Dynasty Mausoleum Entrance Site of Grace.
Pureblood Knight’s Medal can be given by White-Faced Varre once you have completed the 3 invasions required for his questline to advance.
- He will give you the Medal after the reusable
Bloody Finger. Completing his dialogue is necessary.
Notable Info
- Can be reused infinitely to teleport back to this grace, allowing the player to teleport to safety.
- Works while in combat or inside boss arenas which is unlike regular teleportation.
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