Mottled Necklace Talisman
Raises robustness, immunity, and focus
A vividly-colored accoutrement precious to the ancestral followers.
Raises immunity, robustness, and focus.
Said to be a budding horn. The ancestral followers believe that the horns of a long-lived beast continue to bud like antlers, over and over again, until the beast one day becomes an ancestral spirit.
The Mottled Necklace is a Talisman that can be used to raise Robustness, Immunity and Focus.
- The
Mottled Necklace can be found at the edge of a ruined bridge leading to Nokron, Eternal City. This area is accessible via Waygate at
The Four Belfries.
- A +1 Version can be found on a body on top of the ruined arches overlooking Hallowhorn Grounds in Nokron, Eternal City.
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