Rancorcall Sorceries
Summons vengeful spirits that chase down foes
Sorcery of the servants of Death.
Summons vengeful spirits that chase down foes.
Charging enhances potency.
Once thought lost, this ancient death hex was rediscovered by the necromancer Garris.
The Rancorcall sorcery is part of the Death sorcery school. When cast, it unleashes spirits that chase down enemies. Charging beforehand will increase potency.
- Found in Stormveil Castle from a
Teardrop Scarab found in the Underground Crypt optional area. From the
Liftside Chamber Site of Grace, take the lift up and run through the eastern doorway out into the yard. Run through the next doorway into the area just before Godrick’s boss room and follow the path on the left side. Jump over to the narrow ledge and follow it round through an archway and back outside. Turn right into a room and go up stairs to the northwest then turn immediately left outside and follow the wooden path west and through yet another doorway. Run past the enemies in here until you finally reach a massive cavern beneath the castle. Turn south and jump down the ledges here and turn into the tower at the bottom and pass through to a deeper level. Simply jump down the broken beams to finally reach the underground crypt. Avoid the rats and run south then turn east to find the Teardrop Scarab that holds the sorcery.
Notable Info
- Stamina Cost: 21
- Slots Used: 1
- Can be boosted by the
Prince of Death’s Staff.
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