Order's Blade Incantations
Enchants right-hand armament with holy damage
One of the incantations of the Golden Order fundamentalists.
Used by hunters of Those Who Live in Death.
Enchants armament held in the right hand with holy-affinity attacks. This incantation is especially damaging to Those Who Live in Death. Any felled by this incantation cannot be revived.
The role of the hunters is to stamp out defiled reason—all for the perfection of the Golden Order.
The Order’s Blade spell enhances your weapon with holy damage. This is especially effective against undead creatures as it prevents them from reviving upon death. The enchantment lasts 90 seconds.
- Can be purchased from D, Hunter of The Dead for 3,000 Runes.
- Can be purchased from
Twin Maiden Husks at the
Roundtable Hold after giving them
D’s Bell Bearing.
Notable Info
- Golden Order Incantation
- Stamina Cost:10
- Grants .75x of Incant Scaling as extra Holy Damage
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