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Greyoll's Roar Incantations


Emits the roar of Elder Dragon Greyoll


Superior incantation of Dragon Communion.
Channels the power of Greyoll, the Elder Dragon.
An incantation of legendary status.

Transforms caster into a dragon to emit a terrible roar, reducing the attack power and defense of nearby enemies.

Greyoll was the mother of all dragons, dwarfing all who stood before her like a looming mountain.

Damage Boosted By (1)

Dragon Communion Seal

Weapon Buff


Shield Buff


Usable while Riding



"Greyoll's Roar" iconGreyoll’s Roar spell is cast to conjure a wide AoE that debuffs enemies, temporarily decreasing their attack power.


Notable Info

  • Dragon Communion Incantation
  • Stamina Cost: 80
  • 75 Focus Points per cast
  • Emits an AoE roar that deals significant damage and decreases enemy attack by approximately 20% and increases damage dealt against them by 10% for 60 seconds
  • Uses two Memory slots.
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