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Blessing's Boon Incantations


Grants blessing to self and nearby allies


One of the ancient Erdtree incantations.

Grants a blessing to the caster and nearby allies, gradually restoring HP.
Hold to continue praying and delay activation.

Blessings once fell like tears from the Erdtree, and this incantation is but a lingering remnant of their power.

Weapon Buff


Shield Buff


Usable while Riding



"Blessing's Boon" iconBlessing’s Boon spell provides a buff to both the player and near-by allies, that gradually restores HP.


  • Can be purchased from "Miriel, Pastor of Vows" iconMiriel, Pastor of Vows at the Church of Vows for 4,000 Runes.
  • Blessings boon is found by defeating the first ancestral spirit after lighting the pillars in underground.

Notable Info

  • Stamina Cost: 30
  • Regain 8 HP per tick
  • Duration: 90 seconds
  • Can be charged without effect on potency or duration, but allowing others to come into range before the casting is complete.
  • Works on cooperators, NPCs and spirit summons.
  • Doesn’t scale with Faith. Doesn’t stack with other Regen-buffs except the Lifereg-Talisman.
  • Will damage certain undead enemies if they are ‘hit’ by the AOE
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