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Ruptured Crystal Tear Reusable


A crystal tear formed slowly over the ages where the Erdtree’s bounty falls to the ground.

Can be mixed in the "Flask of Wondrous Physick" iconFlask of Wondrous Physick.
Causes the resulting concoction to explode.

A defective crystal tear which possesses absolutely no medicinal qualities. A lesson said to be learned the hard way for some; faith can be a volatile matter, after all.

Can Deposit




Usable while Riding



The "Ruptured Crystal Tear" iconRuptured Crystal Tear is a component for the "Flask of Wondrous Physick" iconFlask of Wondrous Physick in Elden Ring.


The ruptured Crystal Tear can be found in the following locations:

Notable Info

This can be stacked with the other "Ruptured Crystal Tear" iconRuptured Crystal Tear. When used, will cause an explosion that deals Holy damage around you while inflicting self damage at the same time.

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