Service: |
Steam AchievementsSteam
Total: | 54 Achievements |
Rarest: | Trickster of the Trade (0.00% Ultra Rare) |
Icon | Achievement | Rarity | Score |
Trickster of the TradeChanged your vocation to trickster. |
0.00% Ultra Rare | - | |
Arrows and IncantationsChanged your vocation to magick archer. |
0.00% Ultra Rare | - | |
Jack of All Trades, Master of...All TradesChanged your vocation to warfarer. |
0.00% Ultra Rare | - | |
A Badge of HonorAcquired a pawn badge. |
0.00% Ultra Rare | - | |
Gigantus, I Hardly Knew YeDefeated the gigantus in a short span of time. |
0.00% Ultra Rare | - | |
Full MarksFound a solution to every conundrum posed by the goddess of riddles. |
0.00% Ultra Rare | - | |
Off with Its Head!Decapitated a medusa. |
0.00% Ultra Rare | - | |
Master of the MaistersAcquired every maister's teaching. |
0.00% Ultra Rare | - | |
The SpecialistReached the maximum rank in a vocation. |
0.00% Ultra Rare | - | |
The CollectorCollected 80 Seeker's Tokens. |
0.00% Ultra Rare | - | |
The PhilanthropistEarned the affections of 50 people. |
0.00% Ultra Rare | - | |
Dragon ForgedStrengthened a weapon in wyrmfire. |
0.00% Ultra Rare | - | |
The Guardian |
0.00% Ultra Rare | - | |
The Hero |
0.00% Ultra Rare | - | |
This'll Cure What Ails YeSoaked in the hot spring. |
0.00% Ultra Rare | - | |
Cyclops AbridgedCrossed a cyclopean bridge. |
0.00% Ultra Rare | - | |
Dragon's DogmaObtained Dragon's Dogma. |
0.00% Ultra Rare | - | |
An Eye for an EyePetrified a medusa. |
0.00% Ultra Rare | - | |
Getting a HeadAcquired a preserved medusa head. |
0.00% Ultra Rare | - | |
The Barbecue-MaisterGrilled every type of meat during the night and day. |
0.00% Ultra Rare | - | |
Thought I'd Lost YouRestored the dead to life at a morgue or charnel house. |
0.00% Ultra Rare | - | |
Reaper's ScornAccomplished a miracle for several people all at once. |
0.00% Ultra Rare | - | |
Before Dawn BreaksDefeated the headless horseman. |
0.00% Ultra Rare | - | |
The TouristDiscovered 50 dungeons. |
0.00% Ultra Rare | - | |
Are We There Yet? |
0.00% Ultra Rare | - | |
Back Where It All BeganReturned to Agamen Volcanic Island. |
0.00% Ultra Rare | - | |
Dragon's Dogma 2 |
0.00% Ultra Rare | - | |
Plenty Arisen to Go Round |
0.00% Ultra Rare | - | |
Roost of the DragonReached Dragonsbreath Tower. |
0.00% Ultra Rare | - | |
Hope You Brought a LanternReached Drabnir's Grotto. |
0.00% Ultra Rare | - | |
I'm In |
0.00% Ultra Rare | - | |
PeaceBecame Sovran of Vernworth. |
0.00% Ultra Rare | - | |
I, Talos |
0.00% Ultra Rare | - | |
ClosureExperienced the end of the cycle. |
0.00% Ultra Rare | - | |
Duo DestiniesChanged your vocation to mystic spearhand. |
0.10% Ultra Rare | - | |
A House? In This Economy?Purchased a dwelling of your own. |
0.10% Ultra Rare | - | |
Affinity and BeyondRaised a person's affinity to the maximum. |
0.10% Ultra Rare | - | |
Harpy JoyrideSummoned a harpy, grabbed hold, and took flight. |
0.10% Ultra Rare | - | |
Across the BorderPassed through the gate at the border. |
0.10% Ultra Rare | - | |
Nobles' Night OutAttended a palace masquerade in formal raiment. |
0.10% Ultra Rare | - | |
To the Victor Go the SpoilsReclaimed your items from the scavenger who stole them from you. |
0.10% Ultra Rare | - | |
The RegriffiningTook flight on griffin wing a second time. |
0.20% Ultra Rare | - | |
The SaviorUsed a Wakestone to restore the dead to life. |
1.00% Ultra Rare | - | |
Myrmecoleon DelightsEntered the rose chateau. |
1.20% Ultra Rare | - | |
Just a Stone's Throw AwayUsed a Ferrystone. |
1.30% Ultra Rare | - | |
A Pawn of Many TalentsTaught your pawn a specialization. |
3.20% Ultra Rare | - | |
Wish upon the RiftSet a pawn quest. |
3.20% Ultra Rare | - | |
One Speed OnlyBoarded an oxcart. |
4.20% Ultra Rare | - | |
Quit Playing DeadRevived two pawns simultaneously. |
8.10% Very Rare | - | |
VersatileChanged your vocation. |
11.30% Rare | - | |
Seat of the ProxyArrived in Vernworth. |
28.40% Uncommon | - | |
An In-Tents AdventureWent camping. |
38.50% Uncommon | - | |
ArisenRegained your memories of receiving the Arisen's charge. |
63.00% Common | - | |
First Taste of FreedomEscaped the bonds of slavery. |
100.00% Common | - |