Updated Title Publisher
Updated Title Publisher
Updated Title
Published Title Score Editor's Choice Publisher
Published Title Publisher
Icon Title Description How to find / Location Additional Information Location / Sold By Drops From Tome NPC Stealable From Gift Screenshots Item Type Decayed Item Adds Status Removes Status
Item icon
Ambivalent Rift Incense

Powdered rift crystals burnt as incense. Only usable by a main…

"Pathfinder" iconPathfinder Human

Icon for <span>Implements</span> Implements

Item icon
Aphonite's Tome

A tome that grants a pawn the Aphonite specialization, which…

Amie Beastren
Astraia Beastren
"Bertileu" iconBertileu Human
"Botanika" iconBotanika Human
Caldia Beastren
"Cavahr" iconCavahr Human
"Donna" iconDonna Human
"Eino" iconEino Human
Ferman Beastren
"Hoslawyer" iconHoslawyer Human
"Ingrid" iconIngrid Human
"Joachim" iconJoachim Human
Judas Beastren
"Kittey" iconKittey Human
"Lamia" iconLamia Human
"Leo" iconLeo Human
"Lucre" iconLucre Human
Marielle Beastren
Nanna Beastren
"Nannsi" iconNannsi Human
Narcis Beastren
Nathia Beastren
"Norah" iconNorah Human
"Norbert" iconNorbert Human
"Peat" iconPeat Human
"Peyton" iconPeyton Human
"Pietro" iconPietro Human
"Pikard" iconPikard Human
"Ranvelt" iconRanvelt Human
"Sasleya" iconSasleya Human
Sella Beastren
"Thom" iconThom Human
"Timothy" iconTimothy Human
Veronika Beastren
Waz Beastren
"Zaft" iconZaft Human

Icon for <span>Implements</span> Implements

Item icon
Aphony's Tome

A counterfeit crafted to exactly resemble the original in its…

Icon for <span>Implements</span> Implements

Item icon
Art of Metamorphosis

A special tome that allows the Arisen to edit their own appearance…

Icon for <span>Implements</span> Implements

Item icon
Blighting Arrow

A specially crafted arrow that adds to the target’s blighted…

"Awaran's Arms" iconAwaran's Arms Armory (Weapons)
"Celeste's Smithy" iconCeleste's Smithy Armory (Weapons)
"Dudley" iconDudley Traveling Merchants
"Georg" iconGeorg Traveling Merchants
"Grisha's Armory" iconGrisha's Armory Armory (Weapons)
"Nameless Apothecary" iconNameless Apothecary General Store
"Roderick's Smithy" iconRoderick's Smithy Armory (Weapons)
"Runne's Apothecary" iconRunne's Apothecary General Store
"Georg" iconGeorg Traveling Merchants
"Glyndwr" iconGlyndwr Elf
Irmhild Beastren
"Jarle" iconJarle Human

Icon for <span>Implements</span> Implements

Item icon
Blue Dye

Dye sold at a cosmetics store in Battahl. Can be used to achieve…

Icon for <span>Implements</span> Implements

Item icon
Bunch of Flowers

A bunch of flowers, gorgeously arranged. When offered as a gift,…

"Dean" iconDean Human
Marissa Beastren


"Abda" iconAbda Human
"Aimee" iconAimee Human
"Alexandra" iconAlexandra Human
Amelia Beastren
"Auclair" iconAuclair Human


"Barkin" iconBarkin Human
"Bart" iconBart Human
"Brellia" iconBrellia Human


"Caelia" iconCaelia Human
"Capreth" iconCapreth Human
Cecili Beastren
Celina Beastren
Christina Beastren
"Cianes" iconCianes Elf


"Dandara" iconDandara Human
"Dawnna" iconDawnna Human
Dinno Beastren
"Disa" iconDisa Human
"Doireann" iconDoireann Elf
"Dortmund" iconDortmund Human


"Edgar" iconEdgar Human
"Eef" iconEef Human
Enilia Beastren
"Erik" iconErik Human
"Esmerelda" iconEsmerelda Human


"Fearoth" iconFearoth Elf
"Francisca" iconFrancisca Human


"Garren" iconGarren Human
Gassh Beastren
"Gideon" iconGideon Human
"Glintt" iconGlintt Human


"Hannis" iconHannis Human
"Hargiss" iconHargiss Human


"Irena" iconIrena Human


Jamilla Beastren
"Jenniferr" iconJenniferr Human
"Jeremy" iconJeremy Human
"Jessika" iconJessika Human
"Josephine" iconJosephine Human
"Joshua" iconJoshua Human


Kahluya Beastren
"Karlheinz" iconKarlheinz Human
"Karoline" iconKaroline Human
"Kris" iconKris Human


"Levram" iconLevram Human
"Lilym" iconLilym Human
"Liza" iconLiza Human
Lyailim Beastren


"Marett" iconMarett Human
"Martha" iconMartha Human
"Mosse" iconMosse Human
Mubarak Beastren


"Neomith" iconNeomith Human


"Oliver" iconOliver Human
"Olivia" iconOlivia Human


Pollus Beastren


Rona Beastren
"Rubena" iconRubena Human


"Seferinno" iconSeferinno Human
"Sheona" iconSheona Human


"Tarque" iconTarque Human
"Themlia" iconThemlia Human
"Thurnice" iconThurnice Human
"Timondei" iconTimondei Human
"Timothy" iconTimothy Human


"Vekreth" iconVekreth Human


"Zamel" iconZamel Human
"Zeos" iconZeos Human

Icon for <span>Implements</span> Implements

Item icon
Calm Rift Incense

Powdered rift crystals burnt as incense. Only usable by a main…

"Ambrosius" iconAmbrosius Human
"Phaesus" iconPhaesus Human

Icon for <span>Implements</span> Implements

Item icon
Castle Floor Plan

Part of a floor plan detailing the allotment of certain rooms…

Icon for <span>Curatives</span> Curatives

Item icon
Ceiling Phial

A finely crafted counterfeit. Though similar to the genuine article,…

Can only be obtained when attempting to make a Sealing Phial…

Icon for <span>Implements</span> Implements

Item icon
Champion's Fable

A tome detailing an exceptional ability for warriors. Use it…

A reward from Beren after completing his side quests - Claw Them…

Icon for <span>Implements</span> Implements

Item icon
Champion's Foible

A counterfeit crafted to exactly resemble the original in its…

Icon for <span>Implements</span> Implements

Item icon
Chirurgeon's Tome

A tome that grants a pawn the Chirurgeon specialization, allowing…

Adel Beastren
"Ariadne" iconAriadne Human
"Basla" iconBasla Human
"Benas" iconBenas Human
"Braun" iconBraun Human
Cecili Beastren
Celina Beastren
Corette Beastren
Dannes Beastren
"Dean" iconDean Human
"Eanic" iconEanic Human
"Elena" iconElena Human
"Flora" iconFlora Human
"Freyla" iconFreyla Human
Frosst Beastren
"Gwen" iconGwen Human
"Jaster" iconJaster Human
"Jenniferr" iconJenniferr Human
"Jessika" iconJessika Human
"Josephine" iconJosephine Human
Kadelga Beastren
Kellen Beastren
"Lewell" iconLewell Human
"Linda" iconLinda Human
"Lottie" iconLottie Human
Lysetta Beastren
Marissa Beastren
"Marjory" iconMarjory Human
"Marlene" iconMarlene Human
Maurits Beastren
"Mirthe" iconMirthe Human
"Neilou" iconNeilou Human
"Nena" iconNena Human
"Nennius" iconNennius Human
"Nirvane" iconNirvane Human
"Oslecia" iconOslecia Human
"Pate" iconPate Human
"Pavlina" iconPavlina Human
Quinora Beastren
"Rachel" iconRachel Human
"Rionne" iconRionne Human
Slaizha Beastren
"Thiemothee" iconThiemothee Human
"Ulcama" iconUlcama Human
"Valera" iconValera Human
Vamil Beastren
"Vergil" iconVergil Human
"Viola" iconViola Human
"Wendy" iconWendy Human
"Zakkahr" iconZakkahr Human
"Zennan" iconZennan Human

Icon for <span>Implements</span> Implements

Item icon
Conjurer's Jabberings

A counterfeit crafted to exactly resemble the original in its…

Icon for <span>Implements</span> Implements

Item icon
Conjurer's Jottings

A tome detailing a remarkable spell for sorcerers. Use it to…

Icon for <span>Implements</span> Implements

Item icon
Decayed Medusa Head

The severed head of a medusa. Reduced to a decayed husk, not…

Icon for <span>Implements</span> Implements

Item icon
Dragon's Gauze

A finely crafted counterfeit. Though similar to the genuine article,…

Can only be obtained when attempting to create a forged Dragon’s…

Icon for <span>Implements</span> Implements

Item icon
Dragon's Gaze

A fossilized dragon’s eye. Bears the power to locate Wakestone…

If you use the item known as the Dragon’s Gaze, Wakestone shards…

"Rivage Elder" iconRivage Elder Human

Icon for <span>Implements</span> Implements

Item icon
Drenching Arrow

An arrow that adheres to the target and explodes after a time…

"Awaran's Arms" iconAwaran's Arms Armory (Weapons)
"Celeste's Smithy" iconCeleste's Smithy Armory (Weapons)
"Dudley" iconDudley Traveling Merchants
"Georg" iconGeorg Traveling Merchants
"Grisha's Armory" iconGrisha's Armory Armory (Weapons)
"Nameless Apothecary" iconNameless Apothecary General Store
"Roderick's Smithy" iconRoderick's Smithy Armory (Weapons)
"Runne's Apothecary" iconRunne's Apothecary General Store

Icon for <span>Implements</span> Implements

Item icon
Elite Camping Kit

A kit that can be used to set up camp at suitable locations.…

Icon for <span>Implements</span> Implements

Item icon
Emergent Vitality

A grimoire that casts a spell upon being read. Usable even by…

Arletta Beastren
"Domingo" iconDomingo Traveling Merchants
"Eldart's Apothecary" iconEldart's Apothecary General Store
Elsa Beastren
"Rare Book Stand" iconRare Book Stand Points of Interest
"Eldart" iconEldart Elf

Icon for <span>Implements</span> Implements

Item icon
Enchanter's Alarm

A counterfeit crafted to exactly resemble the original in its…

Icon for <span>Implements</span> Implements

Item icon
Enchanter's Almanac

A tome detailing a remarkable spell for mages. Use it to learn…

Build up affinity with Eini by helping her - and her grand-daughter…

Icon for <span>Implements</span> Implements

Item icon
Eternal Wakestone

A stone ensorceled with tremendous magick. When invoked, it restores…

Icon for <span>Implements</span> Implements

Item icon
Eternal Wokestone

A finely crafted counterfeit. Though similar to the genuine article,…

Icon for <span>Implements</span> Implements

Item icon
Explorer's Camping Kit

A kit that can be used to set up camp at suitable locations.…

"Isaac's Wares" iconIsaac's Wares General Store

Icon for <span>Implements</span> Implements

Item icon
Explosive Arrow

An arrow that adheres to the target and explodes after a time…

"Angus" iconAngus Traveling Merchants
"Awaran's Arms" iconAwaran's Arms Armory (Weapons)
"Celeste's Smithy" iconCeleste's Smithy Armory (Weapons)
"Dudley" iconDudley Traveling Merchants
"Georg" iconGeorg Traveling Merchants
"Grisha's Armory" iconGrisha's Armory Armory (Weapons)
"Nameless Apothecary" iconNameless Apothecary General Store
"Roderick's Smithy" iconRoderick's Smithy Armory (Weapons)
"Runne's Apothecary" iconRunne's Apothecary General Store

Icon for <span>Implements</span> Implements

Item icon

A finely crafted counterfeit. Though similar to the genuine article,…

"Ibrahim's Scrap Store" iconIbrahim's Scrap Store Scrap Store

Icon for <span>Implements</span> Implements

Item icon

A stone that can instantly spirit the user back to the location…

Reward for obtaining 1 Seeker Token.

Arletta Beastren
"Celica" iconCelica Traveling Merchants
"Domingo" iconDomingo Traveling Merchants
"Eldart's Apothecary" iconEldart's Apothecary General Store
Elsa Beastren
"Isaac's Wares" iconIsaac's Wares General Store
"Morris's Apothecary" iconMorris's Apothecary General Store
"Philbert's Sundries" iconPhilbert's Sundries General Store
Cortago Beastren
"Everard" iconEverard Human
"Glyndwr" iconGlyndwr Elf
"Ulrika" iconUlrika Human

Icon for <span>Implements</span> Implements

Item icon
Forager's Tome

A tome that grants a pawn the Forager specialization, allowing…


Aiah Beastren
"Aimee" iconAimee Human
"Albert" iconAlbert Human
Alessa Beastren
"Alois" iconAlois Human
Alphonse Beastren
"Anri" iconAnri Human
"Arno" iconArno Human
Arxax Beastren
Aurgie Beastren


Benton Beastren
"Blythe" iconBlythe Human
"Bridget" iconBridget Human
Burnns Beastren
"Bursel" iconBursel Human


"Caitria" iconCaitria Human
"Catherine" iconCatherine Human


"Dandara" iconDandara Human
"Dante" iconDante Human
"Daphne" iconDaphne Human
"Daury" iconDaury Human
"Dinniel" iconDinniel Human
Dommel Beastren
"Dorica" iconDorica Human


Edda Beastren
"Epaphros" iconEpaphros Human
"Erik" iconErik Human
"Eternna" iconEternna Human
Eva Beastren
"Evelyn" iconEvelyn Human


Felicia Beastren
"Felix" iconFelix Human
Fiachra Beastren
"Flaude" iconFlaude Maisters
"Francisca" iconFrancisca Human


"Galmul" iconGalmul Human
"Garrack" iconGarrack Human
"Gilmir" iconGilmir Human
"Gislim" iconGislim Human


"Harvey" iconHarvey Human
"Hoffman" iconHoffman Human
"Horton" iconHorton Human


"Ilona" iconIlona Human
"Irena" iconIrena Human


"Jeremy" iconJeremy Human
"Jerra" iconJerra Human
Jeylia Beastren
"Jill" iconJill Human
Jinn Beastren
"Johannes" iconJohannes Human
Johnson Beastren
Joschka Beastren
Juliana Beastren


"Kathra" iconKathra Human
"Keht" iconKeht Human
"Kiera" iconKiera Human
"Kinnith" iconKinnith Human


"Laura" iconLaura Human
Lawrence Beastren
"Lepak" iconLepak Human
"Lillian" iconLillian Human
"Lingel" iconLingel Human
"Litra" iconLitra Human
"Lyleen" iconLyleen Human


Madeline Beastren
Magorr Beastren
"Malcolm" iconMalcolm Human
"Margaret" iconMargaret Human
"Matilda" iconMatilda Human
"Meredia" iconMeredia Human
"Monika" iconMonika Human


"Naomi" iconNaomi Human
"Nezhal" iconNezhal Human
"Nialla" iconNialla Human
"Niles" iconNiles Human
"Norma" iconNorma Human


"Pekle" iconPekle Human


Radahn Beastren
"Raelia" iconRaelia Human
"Rafenda" iconRafenda Human
Rakim Beastren
"Ramon" iconRamon Human
"Reijo" iconReijo Human
"Richare" iconRichare Human
"Rick" iconRick Human
"Rivage Elder" iconRivage Elder Human
"Rodge" iconRodge Human
"Rothnil" iconRothnil Human
"Rous" iconRous Human
"Roy" iconRoy Human


Saldonna Beastren
"Sanchen" iconSanchen Human
Sandra Beastren
"Sebastian" iconSebastian Human
"Senna" iconSenna Human
"Serra" iconSerra Human
Simal Beastren
"Simonas" iconSimonas Human
"Suzan" iconSuzan Human


"Tarque" iconTarque Human
"Thed" iconThed Human
"Thor" iconThor Human
"Toumi" iconToumi Human
Trekk Beastren
"Trysha" iconTrysha Maisters


Vlasiy Beastren


"Yannig" iconYannig Human


"Zyanya" iconZyanya Human

Icon for <span>Implements</span> Implements

Item icon
Forayer's Tome

A counterfeit crafted to exactly resemble the original in its…

Icon for <span>Implements</span> Implements

Item icon
Fruit Wine

A wine made by fermenting various fruits and wild berries. Delightfully…

"Brant" iconBrant Human
"Fyodor" iconFyodor Human
"Sven" iconSven Human

Icon for <span>Implements</span> Implements

Item icon
Fulgurous Lord

A grimoire that casts a spell upon being read. Usable even by…

Arletta Beastren
"Domingo" iconDomingo Traveling Merchants
Elsa Beastren
"Rare Book Stand" iconRare Book Stand Points of Interest
"Domingo" iconDomingo Traveling Merchants

Icon for <span>Implements</span> Implements

Item icon
Gaol Key

A key that grants access to the dungeons. Of sturdy make, it…

Icon for <span>Implements</span> Implements

Item icon
Gawker's Tome

A counterfeit crafted to exactly resemble the original in its…

Icon for <span>Implements</span> Implements

Item icon
Giant Hunk of Rift Crystal

Dropped by Golem’s upon their defeat.

Icon for <span>Implements</span> Implements

Item icon
Golden Stove Beetle

A counterfeit crafted to exactly resemble the original in its…

"Braun" iconBraun Human
Danton Beastren

Icon for <span>Implements</span> Implements

Item icon
Governing Soul

A grimoire that casts a spell upon being read. Usable even by…

Arletta Beastren
"Domingo" iconDomingo Traveling Merchants
Elsa Beastren
"Rare Book Stand" iconRare Book Stand Points of Interest

Icon for <span>Implements</span> Implements

Item icon
Grandmaster's Path

A tome detailing an exceptional ability for warfarers. Use it…

After unlocking the Warfarer vocation by giving Lamond three…

Icon for <span>Implements</span> Implements

Item icon
Grandmother's Path

A counterfeit crafted to exactly resemble the original in its…

Icon for <span>Implements</span> Implements

Item icon
Grass-Patterned Camping Kit

A kit that can be used to set up camp at suitable locations.…

"Morris's Apothecary" iconMorris's Apothecary General Store
"Philbert's Sundries" iconPhilbert's Sundries General Store

Icon for <span>Implements</span> Implements

Item icon
Green Dye

Dye sold at a cosmetics store in Battahl. Can be used to achieve…

Icon for <span>Implements</span> Implements

Item icon
Harpysnare Smoke Beacon

A smoke beacon that emits a scent enticing to harpies. When lit…

"Evo" iconEvo Traveling Merchants
"Montgomery" iconMontgomery Human
"Evo" iconEvo Traveling Merchants
"Montgomery" iconMontgomery Human
"Raghnall" iconRaghnall Human
"Zeplin" iconZeplin Human
"Morris" iconMorris Human

Icon for <span>Implements</span> Implements

Item icon
Hawker's Tome

A tome that grants a pawn the Hawker specialization, allowing…

"Akhura" iconAkhura Human
"Amritta" iconAmritta Human
"Angus" iconAngus Traveling Merchants
Arletta Beastren
"Bastian" iconBastian Human
"Boreas" iconBoreas Human
"Carre" iconCarre Human
"Celica" iconCelica Traveling Merchants
"Celica" iconCelica Human
"Domingo" iconDomingo Traveling Merchants
"Dudley" iconDudley Traveling Merchants
Elsa Beastren
"Evo" iconEvo Traveling Merchants
"Ganora" iconGanora Human
"Georg" iconGeorg Traveling Merchants
"Ines" iconInes Human
"Issal" iconIssal Human
"Iulius" iconIulius Human
"Jera" iconJera Human
"Laisus" iconLaisus Human
"Marcello" iconMarcello Traveling Merchants
"Mariette" iconMariette Traveling Merchants
"Mia" iconMia Human
Milm Beastren
"Montgomery" iconMontgomery Human
Mubarak Beastren
Phinecia Beastren
"Qura" iconQura Human
Svereth Beastren
"Vash" iconVash Human
"Zachary" iconZachary Human
"Zaneth" iconZaneth Human
"Zeos" iconZeos Human
Zonna Beastren

Icon for <span>Implements</span> Implements

Item icon
Hiemal Euphony

A grimoire that casts a spell upon being read. Usable even by…

"Rare Book Stand" iconRare Book Stand Points of Interest
Whitney Beastren

Icon for <span>Implements</span> Implements

Item icon
Hunk of Rift Crystal

Dropped by a defeated Golem.

Icon for <span>Implements</span> Implements

Item icon
Hunter's Secret

A tome detailing an exceptional ability for archers. Use it to…

Raise affinity with the Archer maister, Taliesin.

Icon for <span>Implements</span> Implements

Item icon
Hunter's Sonnet

A counterfeit crafted to exactly resemble the original in its…

Icon for <span>Implements</span> Implements

Item icon
Igneous Melody

A grimoire that casts a spell upon being read. Usable even by…

"Rare Book Stand" iconRare Book Stand Points of Interest

Icon for <span>Implements</span> Implements

Item icon
Key of Mendacity

A finely crafted counterfeit. Though similar to the genuine article,…

Icon for <span>Implements</span> Implements

Item icon
Key of Sagacity

A key that unlocks a particular chest.

Icon for <span>Implements</span> Implements

Item icon
Kindhearted Rift Incense

Powdered rift crystals burnt as incense. Only usable by a main…

"Luz" iconLuz Vocation Trainers

Icon for <span>Implements</span> Implements

Item icon
Lantern (Fueled)

A lantern that can be worn at the waist to brighten one’s surroundings…

"Angus" iconAngus Traveling Merchants
"Isaac's Wares" iconIsaac's Wares General Store
"Montgomery" iconMontgomery Human
"Morris's Apothecary" iconMorris's Apothecary General Store
"Nameless Apothecary" iconNameless Apothecary General Store
"Runne's Apothecary" iconRunne's Apothecary General Store

Icon for <span>Implements</span> Implements

Item icon
Lantern (Half-Full)

A lantern that can be worn at the waist to brighten one’s surroundings…

Icon for <span>Implements</span> Implements

Item icon
Lantern (Near-Empty)

A lantern that can be worn at the waist to brighten one’s surroundings…

Icon for <span>Implements</span> Implements

Item icon
Lantern (No Fuel)

A lantern that can be worn at the waist to brighten one’s surroundings…

Icon for <span>Implements</span> Implements

Item icon
Lantern Oil

Fuel for a portable lantern. Slowly consumed while the lantern…

"Angus" iconAngus Traveling Merchants
"Isaac's Wares" iconIsaac's Wares General Store
"Montgomery" iconMontgomery Human
"Morris's Apothecary" iconMorris's Apothecary General Store
"Nameless Apothecary" iconNameless Apothecary General Store
"Philbert's Sundries" iconPhilbert's Sundries General Store
"Runne's Apothecary" iconRunne's Apothecary General Store
"Philbert" iconPhilbert Human
"Warrick" iconWarrick Human

Icon for <span>Implements</span> Implements

Item icon
Legend's Hocus

A counterfeit crafted to exactly resemble the original in its…

Icon for <span>Implements</span> Implements

Item icon
Legend's Opus

A tome detailing an exceptional ability for thieves. Use it to…

Icon for <span>Implements</span> Implements

Item icon
Logician's Tome

A counterfeit crafted to exactly resemble the original in its…

Icon for <span>Implements</span> Implements

Item icon
Logistician's Tome

A tome that grants a pawn the Logistician specialization, allowing…


"Alezio" iconAlezio Human
"Amanda" iconAmanda Human
Amir Beastren
"Auriol" iconAuriol Human
"Austin" iconAustin Human
Ayesha Beastren


"Barkley" iconBarkley Human
Bertran Beastren
Bruno Beastren


"Clarith" iconClarith Human
"Clyde" iconClyde Human


"Dehla" iconDehla Human
"Della" iconDella Human
"Demia" iconDemia Human
"Deo" iconDeo Human


Elcela Beastren
Ezekiel Beastren


"Fabia" iconFabia Human
"Fern" iconFern Human
"Folkes" iconFolkes Traveling Merchants


"Garrett" iconGarrett Human
"Gil" iconGil Human
Glenna Beastren


"Hayne" iconHayne Human
"Henricks" iconHenricks Human
"Howard" iconHoward Human
"Hughie" iconHughie Human


"Ikra" iconIkra Human
"Ivanna" iconIvanna Human


Johanna Beastren


"Karlheinz" iconKarlheinz Human
"Katrina" iconKatrina Human
Keane Beastren
Keaton Beastren
"Kendrick" iconKendrick Human
"Kevine" iconKevine Human
Kyran Beastren


"Ladinus" iconLadinus Human
Landar Beastren
"Lazare" iconLazare Human
Leila Beastren
Logge Beastren


"Machmas" iconMachmas Human
"Maggie" iconMaggie Human
Marcella Beastren
"Marett" iconMarett Human
"Martha" iconMartha Human
Marthe Beastren
Millei Beastren
Mithia Beastren


Nadal Beastren


Offulve Beastren
"Olivia" iconOlivia Human


"Quikenna" iconQuikenna Human
"Quishia" iconQuishia Human


"Rimona" iconRimona Human


"Severino" iconSeverino Human
"Sheona" iconSheona Human


"Tania" iconTania Human
Tarnell Beastren
"Tegran" iconTegran Human
"Torrel" iconTorrel Human
Torrence Beastren
"Tyrell" iconTyrell Human


"Veniola" iconVeniola Human
Vuell Beastren


"Wade" iconWade Human
"Walter" iconWalter Human
"Wanda" iconWanda Human


"Yiannis" iconYiannis Human


Zima Beastren

Icon for <span>Implements</span> Implements

Item icon
Makeshift Gaol Key

A key to the gaol. Of relatively crude make, it will break after…

Ibrahims wears

"Dudley" iconDudley Traveling Merchants
"Ibrahim's Scrap Store" iconIbrahim's Scrap Store Scrap Store
"Dietrich" iconDietrich Human
"Dudley" iconDudley Traveling Merchants

Icon for <span>Implements</span> Implements

Item icon
Makeshift Treasure Chest Key

The key to a locked treasure chest. Of relatively crude make,…

Icon for <span>Implements</span> Implements

Item icon
Medusa Head

The severed head of a medusa. Its power of petrification remains…

Icon for <span>Implements</span> Implements

Item icon
Modest Camping Kit

A kit that can be used to set up camp at suitable locations.…

"Angus" iconAngus Traveling Merchants
"Eldart's Apothecary" iconEldart's Apothecary General Store
"Montgomery" iconMontgomery Human
"Morris's Apothecary" iconMorris's Apothecary General Store
"Runne's Apothecary" iconRunne's Apothecary General Store

Icon for <span>Implements</span> Implements

Item icon
Mundane Camping Kit

A kit that can be used to set up camp at suitable locations.…

Celica Traveling Merchants
"Eldart's Apothecary" iconEldart's Apothecary General Store
"Isaac's Wares" iconIsaac's Wares General Store
"Morris's Apothecary" iconMorris's Apothecary General Store
"Nameless Apothecary" iconNameless Apothecary General Store
"Philbert's Sundries" iconPhilbert's Sundries General Store
"Tristan" iconTristan Human

Icon for <span>Implements</span> Implements

Item icon
Myrddin's Chronicle

A tome detailing a remarkable spell for sorcerers. Use it to…

Icon for <span>Implements</span> Implements

Item icon
Myrddin's Cubicle

A counterfeit crafted to exactly resemble the original in its…

Icon for <span>Implements</span> Implements

Item icon
Newt Liqueur

The recipe for this rare liqueur is a closely guarded secret.…

"Feith" iconFeith Human
"Raghnall" iconRaghnall Human

Icon for <span>Implements</span> Implements

Item icon
Paladin's Energizer

A counterfeit crafted to exactly resemble the original in its…

Icon for <span>Implements</span> Implements

Item icon
Paladin's Enigmata

A tome detailing an exceptional ability for mystic spearhands.…

Speak to Sigurd after defeating the Lesser Dragon at Dragonsbreath…

Icon for <span>Implements</span> Implements

Item icon

A counterfeit crafted to exactly resemble the original in its…

"Ibrahim" iconIbrahim Human
"Ibrahim" iconIbrahim Human

Icon for <span>Implements</span> Implements

Item icon
Pesterer's Handbook

A counterfeit crafted to exactly resemble the original in its…

Icon for <span>Implements</span> Implements

Item icon
Pilferer's Handbook

A tome detailing an exceptional ability for thieves. Use it to…

Icon for <span>Implements</span> Implements

Item icon
Platinum Myrmecoleon Card

A card offered to prized patrons of the Myrmecoleon, or rose…

"Albert" iconAlbert Human
"Lionel" iconLionel Human
"Shakir" iconShakir Human

Icon for <span>Implements</span> Implements

Item icon

A marker to be placed anywhere one might wish to return; use…

Icon for <span>Implements</span> Implements

Item icon
Prescribed Tranquility

A grimoire that casts a spell upon being read. Usable even by…

Icon for <span>Implements</span> Implements

Item icon
Preserved Medusa Head

The severed head of a medusa. Cut from the beast at the height…

Icon for <span>Implements</span> Implements

Item icon
Purple Dye

Dye sold at a cosmetics store in Battahl. Can be used to achieve…

Mettefere Beastren

Icon for <span>Implements</span> Implements

Item icon
Red Dye

Dye sold at a cosmetics store in Battahl. Can be used to achieve…

Icon for <span>Implements</span> Implements

Item icon
Sand-Patterned Camping Kit

A kit that can be used to set up camp at suitable locations.…

"Isaac's Wares" iconIsaac's Wares General Store
"Edgar" iconEdgar Human
Menella Beastren

Icon for <span>Implements</span> Implements

Item icon
Savagery Extract

A concoction of natural medicines fortified with magick. Drink…

"Evo" iconEvo Traveling Merchants
"Montgomery" iconMontgomery Human
"Philbert's Sundries" iconPhilbert's Sundries General Store
Bodas Beastren
"Margit" iconMargit Human
"Wilhelmina" iconWilhelmina Human

Icon for <span>Implements</span> Implements

Item icon
Sealing Phial

A phial with a remarkable interior. It boasts the unnerving ability…

On floor 1F of the Mountain Shrine dungeon. After hearing the…

Icon for <span>Implements</span> Implements

Item icon
Sealing Phial (Contains Person)

A phial with a remarkable interior. It currently holds a certain…

Icon for <span>Implements</span> Implements

Item icon
Seeder's Token

A counterfeit crafted to exactly resemble the original in its…

Icon for <span>Implements</span> Implements

Item icon
Simple Rift Incense

Powdered rift crystals burnt as incense. Only usable by a main…

Icon for <span>Implements</span> Implements

Item icon
Soldier's Code

A tome detailing an exceptional ability for fighters. Use it…

Icon for <span>Implements</span> Implements

Item icon
Soldier's Cord

A counterfeit crafted to exactly resemble the original in its…

Icon for <span>Implements</span> Implements

Item icon
Spellbow's Parabola

A counterfeit crafted to exactly resemble the original in its…

Icon for <span>Implements</span> Implements

Item icon
Spellbow's Paradox

A tome detailing an exceptional ability for magick archers. Use…

After completing the side quest A Spring in Thy Step, speak to…

Icon for <span>Implements</span> Implements

Item icon
Stability Extract

A concoction of natural medicines fortified with magick. Drink…

"Evo" iconEvo Traveling Merchants
"Montgomery" iconMontgomery Human
"Morris's Apothecary" iconMorris's Apothecary General Store


"Aguilera" iconAguilera Human
"Aisha" iconAisha Human
"Angus" iconAngus Traveling Merchants
"Anya" iconAnya Human
"Asgard" iconAsgard Human
"Atharv" iconAtharv Human


"Bally" iconBally Human
Beralta Beastren
"Berkut" iconBerkut Human
Bizenta Beastren
Bonita Beastren
"Brant" iconBrant Human


"Damon" iconDamon Human
"Darnell" iconDarnell Human
Deegan Beastren
Dixon Beastren
"Dudley" iconDudley Traveling Merchants
"Dychos" iconDychos Human


Ekratt Beastren
"Eugene" iconEugene Human
"Eunika" iconEunika Human
Extia Beastren
Ezekiel Beastren


"Gaeric" iconGaeric Human
"Geoff" iconGeoff Human
"Graham" iconGraham Human


"Heath" iconHeath Human
"Heinz" iconHeinz Human


"Ikra" iconIkra Human
"Indika" iconIndika Human


"James" iconJames Human
"Janne" iconJanne Human
"Jenria" iconJenria Human


"Keht" iconKeht Human
"Kittey" iconKittey Human
"Klaudia" iconKlaudia Human


"Lazare" iconLazare Human
"Leonel" iconLeonel Elf
Leyla Beastren


"Marilyn" iconMarilyn Human
"Marshall" iconMarshall Human
"Marteka" iconMarteka Human
"Matilda" iconMatilda Human
"Mauritius" iconMauritius Human
Megan Beastren


"Naela" iconNaela Human
Nanna Beastren
Narcis Beastren
Navvan Beastren
"Neveah" iconNeveah Human


"Odhran" iconOdhran Elf
"Olven" iconOlven Human


Penelope Beastren


"Quikkel" iconQuikkel Human


"Richard" iconRichard Human
"Rommes" iconRommes Human
"Ryuka" iconRyuka Human


Sekkah Beastren
Sella Beastren


"Talib" iconTalib Human
Thias Beastren


Whitney Beastren
"Willem" iconWillem Human


"Zekloa" iconZekloa Elf
Zepet Beastren

Icon for <span>Implements</span> Implements

Item icon
Stoutness Extract

A concoction of natural medicines fortified with magick. Drink…

"Evo" iconEvo Traveling Merchants
"Philbert's Sundries" iconPhilbert's Sundries General Store

Icon for <span>Implements</span> Implements

Item icon
Straightforward Rift Incense

Powdered rift crystals burnt as incense. Only usable by a main…

Icon for <span>Implements</span> Implements

Item icon
Surgeon's Tome

A counterfeit crafted to exactly resemble the original in its…

Icon for <span>Implements</span> Implements

Item icon
Tarring Arrow

An arrow that adheres to the target and explodes after a time…

"Angus" iconAngus Traveling Merchants
"Awaran's Arms" iconAwaran's Arms Armory (Weapons)
"Celeste's Smithy" iconCeleste's Smithy Armory (Weapons)
"Dudley" iconDudley Traveling Merchants
"Georg" iconGeorg Traveling Merchants
"Grisha's Armory" iconGrisha's Armory Armory (Weapons)
"Nameless Apothecary" iconNameless Apothecary General Store
"Roderick's Smithy" iconRoderick's Smithy Armory (Weapons)
"Runne's Apothecary" iconRunne's Apothecary General Store
"Bjorn" iconBjorn Human

Icon for <span>Implements</span> Implements

Item icon
Theurgist's Rite

A tome detailing an exceptional ability for tricksters. Use it…

Icon for <span>Implements</span> Implements

Item icon
Theurgist's Rote

A counterfeit crafted to exactly resemble the original in its…

A forged version the Theurgist’s Rite purchased from Ibrahim’s…

Icon for <span>Implements</span> Implements

Item icon
Threshing Blaze

A grimoire that casts a spell upon being read. Usable even by…

Arletta Beastren
"Domingo" iconDomingo Traveling Merchants
Elsa Beastren
"Rare Book Stand" iconRare Book Stand Points of Interest

Icon for <span>Implements</span> Implements

Item icon
Thunderous Concord

A grimoire that casts a spell upon being read. Usable even by…

"Rare Book Stand" iconRare Book Stand Points of Interest
"Myrddin" iconMyrddin Human

Icon for <span>Implements</span> Implements

Item icon
Unmaking Arrow

The ultimate arrow, said to kill instantly. (Note: Once fired,…

Icon for <span>Implements</span> Implements

Item icon
Unmasking Arrow

A finely crafted counterfeit. Though similar to the genuine article,…

Icon for <span>Implements</span> Implements

Item icon

A stone ensorceled with miraculous magick. Formed of Wakestone…

Rothais Beastren
"Ambrosius" iconAmbrosius Human
Nadinia Beastren

Icon for <span>Implements</span> Implements

Item icon
Wakestone Shard

A fragment ensorceled with miraculous magick. Gather three to…

Ibrahims wears

"Domingo" iconDomingo Traveling Merchants
"Evo" iconEvo Traveling Merchants
"Ibrahim's Scrap Store" iconIbrahim's Scrap Store Scrap Store
"Marcello" iconMarcello Traveling Merchants
"Awaran" iconAwaran Human
"Zennan" iconZennan Human
"Alleon" iconAlleon Human
"Amida" iconAmida Elf
"Birmingham" iconBirmingham Human
Danton Beastren
Denny Beastren
"Feith" iconFeith Human
"Klaus" iconKlaus Human
"Kough" iconKough Elf
"Lionel" iconLionel Human
"Melissa" iconMelissa Human
Morgat Beastren
"Nivelis" iconNivelis Human
Offulve Beastren
"Shakir" iconShakir Human
"Slenia" iconSlenia Human
Tabahn Beastren

Icon for <span>Implements</span> Implements

Item icon
Winter's Path

A grimoire that casts a spell upon being read. Usable even by…

Arletta Beastren
"Domingo" iconDomingo Traveling Merchants
Elsa Beastren
"Rare Book Stand" iconRare Book Stand Points of Interest

Icon for <span>Implements</span> Implements

Item icon
Withered Branches

A branch of solid wood, pliant enough to serve in the making…

Icon for <span>Implements</span> Implements

Item icon
Withered Medusa Head

The severed head of a medusa. Time has taken its toll, and its…

Icon for <span>Implements</span> Implements

Item icon

A finely crafted counterfeit. Though similar to the genuine article,…

Can only be obtained by attempting to create a forgery with a…

"Morris" iconMorris Human
Tantra Beastren

Icon for <span>Implements</span> Implements

Item icon
Wokestone Shard

A finely crafted counterfeit. Though similar to the genuine article,…

Can only be obtained by attempting to create a forgery with a…

"Isaac" iconIsaac Human
"Walter" iconWalter Human
"Zachary" iconZachary Human

Icon for <span>Implements</span> Implements

Item icon
Wooden Wordsmith's Tome

A counterfeit crafted to exactly resemble the original in its…

Icon for <span>Implements</span> Implements

Item icon
Woodland Wordsmith's Tome

A tome that grants a pawn the Woodland Wordsmith specialization,…

"Agrael" iconAgrael Elf
"Amida" iconAmida Elf
"Amras" iconAmras Elf
"Cainnech" iconCainnech Elf
"Caladomia" iconCaladomia Elf
"Caonia" iconCaonia Elf
"Cecilia" iconCecilia Elf
"Cianes" iconCianes Elf
"Coerach" iconCoerach Elf
"Eldart" iconEldart Elf
"Elnora" iconElnora Elf
"Exelion" iconExelion Elf
"Fearoth" iconFearoth Elf
"Fiorina" iconFiorina Elf
"Gallas" iconGallas Elf
"Glynis" iconGlynis Elf
"Grisha" iconGrisha Elf
"Iagm" iconIagm Elf
"Idorial" iconIdorial Elf
"Kough" iconKough Elf
"Lenbren" iconLenbren Elf
"Leonel" iconLeonel Elf
"Lindoll" iconLindoll Elf
"Linneisl" iconLinneisl Elf
"Lotria" iconLotria Elf
"Luomir" iconLuomir Elf
"Lutia" iconLutia Elf
"Magrol" iconMagrol Elf
"Myglin" iconMyglin Elf
"Nellas" iconNellas Elf
"Odhran" iconOdhran Elf
"Rothrick" iconRothrick Elf
"Sania" iconSania Elf
"Seachlann" iconSeachlann Elf
"Sivven" iconSivven Elf
"Throndir" iconThrondir Elf
"Tylion" iconTylion Elf
"Ulcretia" iconUlcretia Elf
"Valkren" iconValkren Elf
"Zekloa" iconZekloa Elf

Icon for <span>Implements</span> Implements

Item icon
Yellow Dye

Dye sold at a cosmetics store in Battahl. Can be used to achieve…

"Celeste" iconCeleste Human

Icon for <span>Implements</span> Implements

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