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Dragon Quest XI: Echoes of an Elusive Age Definitive Edition

PlayStation Trophies

Difficulty: 4 / 10
Playthroughs: 1
Hours: 120+
Total: 59 Trophies
Breakdown: 1 1 7 50
Rarest: Living Legend (6.70% Very Rare)

Dragon Quest XI is a long game, so it’s going to take a while for you to finish everything. To make things even “worse,” the Definitive Edition has more content for you to do, so it’s going to take even longer. It should be noted that there are some trophies/achievements not present in the Definitive Edition, with it also adding a couple of new ones, too. Nothing pertaining to trophies/achievements is missable, so you don’t have to worry about following a guide to the tee, although the guide isn’t going to make you miss anything and will help you in other ways, too.

Step 1 - Play Through the Story

Your first step is to play through the story, which will last you quite a while, as Dragon Quest XI is definitely a long game. Depending on which version of the game you’re playing, you will want to keep a lookout for one of two things. In the original version, you have crossbow targets in certain areas, which will be needed to unlock Crossbow Colossus. If you’re playing the Definitive Edition, then you have to look out for those little creatures called Tockles. Speaking to specific Tockles will unlock pastwords that allow you to complete little sidequests in Tickington. You will need to do all of these at some point, although you won’t be able to do some until the postgame.

Step 2 - Finish the Postgame

After completing the main story, you can head straight into the postgame, where there’s a bunch more for you to do. The weird thing about the postgame in Dragon Quest XI is that it’s pretty much just a continuation of the story. You can continue working on the content that’s scattered throughout the game, like Tickington, Crossbow Colossus, and even the various Quests.

Step 3 - Finish Up Tickington

This step is only for the Definitive Edition of the game, as there are some things you can’t do until after defeating the boss at the end of Step 2. The content here is definitely challenging, so you may wish to help yourself by grinding your characters to max level, if you haven’t already done so. If you’re looking for the method in which to level your characters, then look on the How To Level Up Fast page. You will need to level all characters to 99, though, to get trophies/achievements. This will culminate in the fight against the big superboss at the end of the Tickington section, which is fought in the main portion of the game.

Step 4 - Cleaning Up

The final step on your road to getting all of the trophies/achievements is just cleaning up whatever you didn’t get in the previous steps. This includes any Quests you may have left, doing the Puff-Puffs, the Wheel of Harma, and anything else you may think of at the time.

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