Vengeance Complete
This is the platinum trophy for Disgaea 5, which requires you to get every other trophy in the game. It’s not particularly difficult and is definitely less grindy than some of the previous entries, since there isn’t a trophy that requires you to collect all of the items or view every single skill animation. That being said, it will still probably take somewhere in the range of 100-150 hours, depending on how efficient you are at playing the game.
Vengeance Complete
Condition - Obtain all other trophies.

Trophy | Description |
The First Alliance | Clear Ep. 1: Prelude to Vengeance. The story of rebellion starts now! |
Founding an Army | Clear Ep. 2: Demon General. Madam Seraphina, hooray! |
Some Kind of Gale | Clear Ep. 3: His Name is Zeroken. A silver white shadow that creates a storm… |
A Taste of Curry to Come | Clear Ep. 4: Yellow, Rabbit, and Curry. I want curry, I want curry, I want curry, I want curry… |
Fight in the Frozen Wasteland | Clear Ep. 5: The One Who Controls Death. Kill and Recycle! |
Bloodis’ Big Secret | Clear Ep. 6: The Sixth Warrior. Dance of the Bristle Grass! |
Practice Makes…? | Clear Ep. 7: Past Struggles Part 1. Bro! |
The Heart of an Innocent | Clear Ep. 8: Past Struggles Part 2. Master!!! |
Trophy | Description |
The Supreme One Throws Down | Clear Ep. 9: The New Power. Guuurrryaaahhh!!! |
Our Daughter Is in Another Castle | Clear Ep. 10: The Memorable Special Sweet Curry. Our…beloved daughter… |
Disaster Averted | Clear Ep. 11: Netherworld Extinction. They are all irreplaceable. |
Among the Flowers | Clear Ep. 12: Unbridled Killia. The one who leaves destruction in his wake. |
One is Better Than Two | Clear Ep. 13: The Two Killias. …Yeah, farewell. |
You’re Gorgeous | Clear Ep. 14: Seraphina’s Secret. A girl in love is invincible!!! |
The Ultimate Skill | Clear Ep. 15: The Ultimate Skill. Excellent… |
Crisis Averted | Clear Final Ep.: Dedicated to the Precious People. I’ll save her, no matter what! |
To Carnfinity and Beyond
In order to unlock the Carnage Dimension, you will first need to clear both The Cursed Witch and Possessed By Hearts areas in the postgame. After doing this, go to the Quest Shop and do all of the quests that have a 2.5 million HL reward, followed by the quests that completing those unlock, which have a 4 million HL reward. This will unlock the Carnage Dimension area and finishing that will unlock the proper Carnage Dimension, and the trophy.
To Carnfinity and Beyond
Condition - Enter the Carnage Dimension.

Dimensional Devastation
Conquering the Carnage Dimension involves doing a series of quests that unlock upon first unlocking the true Carnage Dimension. If you do what’s listed in the What’s Next section of the guide, then you should have no problem at all in clearing all of these maps (they unlock one at a time). The final map is called Evil God of Tyranny and completing that one will get your the trophy.
Dimensional Devastation
Condition - Conquer the Carnage Dimension.

Plip! Plip!
In between battles, you will be in your own base area and will be able to move around to do various things. While doing that, you will jump with your character if you press the Circle button. All you have to do to get this trophy is jump a total of 100 times. It doesn’t necessarily have to be all at once and can be spread out over time.
Plip Plip
Condition - Jump 1,000 times at the base.

Love With an Iron Fist
In order to be able to hit people at your base, you will need to have progressed through the main story until you unlock the Squad Shop. One of the initial squads available is the Life Support Unit. You will need to place someone in the squad and level it up by using the prisoners you receive while playing (or via using the Capture skill from the Capture Squad) to level 3, which is when you unlock the ability to punch people at your base with the Square button. You can simply punch the same NPC over and over until you get the trophy.
Love With an Iron Fist
Condition - Hit allies inside the base 100 times.

Chara World is first unlocked at the beginning of Episode 6. It is a board game and your main objective is to move your character to the goal within the allotted number of turns. The base Chara World difficulty (Demon) has a recommended character level of 24, so you should be around there when you attempt it.
Condition - Reach the goal in the Chara World.

Netherworld Solutions
Whenever you attempt to pass a bill in the Dark Assembly and fail, you will have three options; Give Up, Pay Up or Persuade By Force. Choosing the last option will put you in a fight against all of the Senators that said “Nay.” Defeat all of them to pass the bill by force, which is something you will likely do a lot of with some of the postgame bills. Note that the highest level a Senator can be is 220 and considering that a good number of postgame bills will require you to force them, this will likely unlock then.
Netherworld Solutions
Condition - Force the Dark Assembly to approve a bill.

We Have a Winner!
As you attack enemies during battle, you will undoubtedly see the Bonus Gauge increase. You get more added to the Bonus Gauge by performing combos with your characters. Note that there are a few battles in the main story where you will be fighting a lot of enemies and you will inevitably max out the Bonus Gauge. Also, you will automatically get this anyway while attempting to get the Bonus Master trophy .
We Have a Winner
Condition - Completely fill the Bonus Gauge.

Demon Quest
The Quest Shop will unlock during Episode 1 and allows you to do quests with various objectives, usually falling under one of three different things, like having a specific item, clearing a stage or killing a specific enemy. All you have to do to get this trophy is finish 20 quests and considering that you need to finish more than 20 to get other trophies, this will come naturally.
Demon Quest
Condition - Complete 20 quests.

Netherworld War Victory
As you delve into an item in the Item World, you will sometimes come across invaders from another Netherworld. This can happen as soon as floor 11, provided you changed the route to Invader Route via the Rabbit NPC in Innocent Town, but on a normal item, they tend to show up starting after floor 30. Defeat all of the invaders to get this trophy.
Netherworld War Victory
Condition - Repel a Netherworld in the Item World.

I’ve Got a Netherworld in My Pocket
At the beginning of Episode 7, you will unlock the Netherworld Edit Shop. Accessing this will allow you to equip a Netherworld Effect, similar to the ones you’ve been encountering in the game. Go to any map in the game with one, then build your Bonus Gauge to level 1. When you to go your menu, you should see Summon underneath End Turn. Choose that to get rid of the current effect and get a shiny new trophy.
I've Got a Netherworld in My Pocket
Condition - Call your Netherworld for the first time

Gimme a Trophy!
The I Want a Trophy! bill is unlocked from the beginning as soon as you unlock the Dark Assembly. However, it costs 50,000 Mana to propose, which means that you’ll have to wait until likely the postgame in order to even have a chance of trying for it, since Mana is quite easy to get then. The bad news is that it only has a 1% base chance for approval, so you’ll likely need to force it to pass.
Gimme a Trophy
Condition - Pass a bill that gives you a trophy.

Geo Master
There is only one preset stage that this can be done on, which is Death Promenade in the Spirit Interment area, but you can do it at any time. You will want to be sure to be able to be strong enough, where you can shrug off the attacks of the enemies on this map (Poison Vaccine helps, too). As you go through the stage, you will want to toss the Geo Symbols onto the panels as you pass them. At the very top of the map, the last symbol will be a Null one and once you’ve placed it, bring another character out of the Base Panel to destroy the very first symbol. If done right, you will get the trophy after the chain reaction is finished.
Geo Master
Condition - Nullify all Geo Panels with a Geo Chain of 5 or more.

Making It Rain
When you fail to pass a bill in the Dark Assembly, one of the options you can do after it is to Pay Up. Finding a bill that requires 100 million HL can be a bit difficult, but one such bill is the one that unlocks the battle with Baal (Fight the Super Overlord!) in the postgame (costs around 139 million HL to pass with 99% approval rate).
Making It Rain
Condition - Pass a bill by Paying Up 100,000,000 HL.

A Minor Set Back
In order to get a Game Over in Disgaea, you typically need to make sure all of the characters you can deploy from the Base Panel are killed (default of 10). This can be easily done by creating 10 level 1 characters and have them get slaughtered on a later map. However, there is an easier way to get a Game Over without doing that. On the last map in Episode 4, you will receive a Game Over upon killing the neutral NPC. This works even on a retry after completing it for the first time (Back to Square One option in the Cheat Shop needs to be on).
A Minor Set Back
Condition - Get a Game Over.

The Water Feels Nice
The Hot Springs is one of the Mystery Rooms in the Item World and is completely random. Unlike previous entries, all of the Mystery Rooms can be found as soon as possible. In order to encounter more rooms and increase your chances, talk to the Rabbit NPC at Innocent Town and set the item route to Mystery Route.
The Water Feels Nice
Condition - Experience the effects of the hot springs in an Item World Mystery Room.

Capture Master
This trophy is a bit confusing, as it’s not actually known what exactly counts as capturing enemies. Some people have gotten this from enemies surrendering, but others only received it after physically capturing them via the skill from the Capture Squad or Metallia’s Overload (she is DLC). The latter of the two options is more ideal and if you don’t get the trophy after physically capturing 100 enemies, then keep doing it until it pops.
Capture Master
Condition - Capture 100 prisoners.

Greater Netherworld
Enemies that either surrender or are captured by the Capture Squad skill (or Metallia’s Overload) can be found in the Interrogation Room. One of the options, which doesn’t require you to interrogate them, is named “ Make Citizen .“ Do this for 100 different enemies to get the trophy.
Greater Netherworld
Condition - Achieve a population of 100 in the pocket Netherworld.

Seasoned Rocket Rider
You will need to grind a bit for this trophy, as you need to discover 100 different Netherworlds via the Nether Research NPC. It might be easier to wait until the postgame to do this, as you can create a large group of high-leveled characters and then send them out to as many Netherworlds as possible. Note that you can only have 99 Netherworlds listed, so you will likely need to delete some as you’re doing this (select the Give Up option). You can keep track of your total by going to the Data Shop, then Netherworld Records and checking the 9th page.
Seasoned Rocket Rider
Condition - Discover 100 Netherworlds.

Aren’t You Tired Of It…?
After completing Episode 4, you will unlock the Curry Shop. This lets you place in random items from your inventory that can be used to provide a buff for your characters on the next map. However, after creating a curry, do not use it and let it sit there. For every battle you complete, the curry will age by one day, so do 100 battles and come back to eat the curry, which will now last you for 100 battles before it runs out.
Aren't You Tired Of It?
Condition - Eat curry for 100 days straight.

Netherworld Night Live
When returning to a base after completing a battle, you will sometimes notice that certain characters will have a “!” over their heads. Talking to them will trigger a conversation that is called a Skit. You will know when there’s a Skit available by a character’s portrait in the upper right corner, with “EVENT” listed under it. The best thing to do is always go back to your base after finishing a battle to check if there’s a Skit available or not. You only need to view 20 Skits to get this and there are a lot more than that in the game.
Netherworld Night Live
Condition - Watch 20 skits.

Switching to Overload
Certain characters in the game have access to a special skill that is only usable whenever their Revenge Gauge is full and they enter Revenge Mode. Overload skills can only be used once per battle, with Seraphina and Red Magnus being the first ones who have access to them. This is probably a trophy you will get as you naturally play through the game, as some Overloads are very useful.
Switching to Overload
Condition - Use an Overload skill for the first time.

This Calls For Teamwork
The description for this trophy is misleading, as it actually requires you to perform an Alliance Skill. These will unlock at the beginning of Episode 9 and require you to have two story characters next to each other in order to be able to perform the skill. The skills are marked with a “C” in the skill list for those characters that have them.
This Calls For Teamwork
Condition - Perform a Team Attack for the first time.

Take a Chill Pill
Revenge Mode is automatically activated whenever the Revenge Gauge to the left of the character portrait is filled. When this happens, that character’s critical hit rate becomes 100%, SP costs for all skills become 1 and they take 25% damage reduction. There are three ways to increase the Revenge Gauge, either by getting hit, an ally getting killed or by killing an enemy in Revenge Mode. This will likely unlock as you play the game, since Revenge Mode is activated plenty of times without you even thinking about it.
Take a Chill Pill
Condition - Activate Revenge Mode 100 times

Would You Like the Combo?
This is another trophy where the description is misleading. Instead of doing 20 Combo Attacks, you actually need to perform a 20-hit combo. The easiest way to do this is to create 8 Good-for-Nothing level 1 Archers and equip them with the weakest bow. Go to any map where you can kill the enemies in one hit with your strong characters and line up the Archers to all attack a single enemy, with the strong character finishing the enemy off.
Would You Like The Combo?
Condition - Perform 20 combos.

Bonus Master
A majority of the story maps have a special reward sitting at the top of the Bonus Gauge called a One-Time Bonus. As its name suggests, you can only get it once, although it will sit there until you actually obtain it. Using the method outlined under the Would You Like the Combo? trophy , go to each map with a One-Time Bonus and do exactly that. You need a total of 50 of these to get the trophy.
Bonus Master
Condition - Get 50 One Time Bonuses.

Class Master
In order to unlock more classes, you will need to do Quests that pop up in the Quest Shop as you play through the main story. Monster units are easy, since they usually need to you have specific items. However, Humanoid units will require you to reach certain ranks with other classes, which is done by killing enemies. The last class that you will undoubtedly unlock is the Asagi generic class in the postgame. However, you also need to unlock all of the ranks of the classes, requiring you to get them all to five stars out of the six on the status screen.
Class Master
Condition - Unlock all character classes.

One Percenter
Getting 10 billion HL might seem like a lot, especially when you’re playing through the main story, but once you reach the postgame and money becomes almost trivial, it certainly isn’t. In fact, once you reach the Carnage Dimension, this should be relatively simple to unlock, as the rank 1 CD equipment will usually sell for upwards 500 million.
One Percenter
Condition - Obtain more than 10,000,000,000 HL.

Item Polisher
This is definitely a trophy that requires grinding, as the max level for any item is 500. Remember that you need to clear all enemies on any given floor in order to boost the item’s level by 1. It doesn’t have to be a specific item, so you can use any one. The Item Enhance Route is ideal for this, as it will add a level for every 5 you do.
Item Polisher
Condition - Max out an item's level.

I Love Board Game Night!
The Super Overload difficulty for Chara World unlocks after completing the Carnage Dimension area and has a suggested level requirement of 7999. Despite that, all you need to do is complete the Quest to unlock it and have any character make it through to the goal to get the trophy.
I Love Board Game Night
Condition - Reach the goal in the Chara World on Super Overlord difficulty.

Unlosing Ranger Status
Proto Darkdeath is a random drop from Mr. Egg, who will come across randomly during non-boss floors in the Item World. The only catch about Darkdeath is that he’s going to be a lot stronger than you, with his level being relative to the enemy’s level in the item you’re going through.
As an example, Darkdeath should be in the realm of level 400 in a Thimble, a Rank 1 item, so go searching for him whenever you are stronger than that. There’s also a bill ( Challenge a Crazy Opponent! ) to make sure that Mr. Egg will drop Darkdeath the next time he comes around, although Egg’s appearance is still random.
Unlosing Ranger Status
Condition - Defeat Proto Darkdeath in the Item World.

This Belongs in a Museum
Epic is another rarity that is beyond Legendary and is achieved whenever you get an item to Rarity 100. You will never find one that is Epic in the wild, as the only way to get one to that rarity is by grinding it out. As you go through the Item World, you will undoubtedly see something called “Training Bonus” on the results screen. It’s best to do this along with Item Polisher.
This Training Bonus is what will raise your Rarity and there are a few ways to get it. One is by defeating all of the Invaders that come whenever you have an invading Netherworld on any floor. Another is by finishing a fight in a Mystery Room (often will require you to repeatedly talk to a NPC). Item Generals/Kings/Gods will also give a 1/2/3 (respectively) increase and Darkdeath also gives a +3 Training Bonus.
This Belongs in a Museum
Condition - Obtain an epic item.

A Legend in This Hand
The legendary weapon in the Item World can be found in a Mystery Room, meaning it’s completely random. There are two instances of it, one in a normal item and the other being in the Carnage equivalent. To make Mystery Rooms appear more often, you can equip the Explorer Evility (Pirate class) on characters and make sure they are on the map when you clear it. Also, make sure the item route is set to Mystery Room Route.
The specific room you’re looking for has a single NPC in it, with a square barrier of some sort and a weapon floating in the middle of that barrier. Should you meet the requirements, walk up to the “weapon” and talk to it to get the legendary weapon. In order for you to actually obtain it, you need a Weapon Mastery of 40 (normal) or 100 (Carnage) for the respective weapon type you’re in with the character you’re controlling (Rank 40 Fist WM if you’re in a Fist’s Item World).
A Legend In This Hand
Condition - Obtain the legendary weapon in the Item World.

Where the Levels End
Leveling to 9999 might seem daunting at first, but it is pretty much required in order to get some of the other trophies, like Damage-oholic and Dimensional Devastation . There are a few things to help along the way, such as the Cheat Shop (turn the EXP slider all the way to max) and Statisticians, the Innocent that increases EXP gain. The max any character can utilize for Statisticians is 900, the max a stack of them can do. They are randomly found on items and if you want more information, check the Postgame Preparations page for more details.
Once you’ve done that, it’s time to start grinding and the best place is the Martial Training area. Clear the stages the first time and you’ll find a EXP heaven on subsequent visits. For the first one, you should set the Enemy Strength to 1 star to make the enemies level 99 (glitch where they give as much EXP as level 320 or so enemies). This will get you up to around 4-500 with Statisticians. Switch to Martial Training 4 and gradually up the Enemy Strength until you can clear Possessed By Heart, which unlocks Martial Training 5, where you can level up to 9999 (with Statisticians, of course).
Where the Levels End
Condition - Level up to Lv 9999.

Before you even begin thinking about going for this trophy, you will want to do everything outlined in the What’s Next section, concentrating on getting the 20 million base stats from mastering classes and shards/extracts. With Evilities, these stats will become 40 million and that’s all you really need, as far as stats go, for this trophy. You will want the support characters outlined in the previously mentioned section, since they will be needed, including the Professor with a maxed out Magic Boost (from the Skills NPC). It also helps to have all of the Unique Evility slots, so make sure you kill Carnage Dark to get the final one, plus having all of the Common Slots will help, too. One last thing you will want is to create around 7-8 Archers (they can be low level, as they are just there to boost the combo).
With that done, it’s time to start picking out the Evilities you will need, which will focus on the ones that increase the damage you inflict. This strategy will assume that you’ve finished Martial Training 5 (the regular version) at least 100 times and that you have found the Taste of Victory Evility from Chara World (can find it on Demon difficulty). Taste of Victory will double your base stats to 40 million and only use 1 common slot, giving you A LOT of room to focus on increasing damage. For Unique Evilities, you will want Assault Attack , Magic Bundle and Bushido . For Common Evilities, you will want Concentration , Mana Scarcity , Taste of Victory , Purgatory and Over Limit . You will also want your Sage’s Tera Star to be fully powered from the Skills NPC and have the Curry with 100 Thimbles active for your 100% critical rate (unless you have Revenge Mode ready).
Pass the All-Out Attack bill to make sure you can bring out more than 10 characters from your Base Panel, and also make sure that you have the Enemy Strength set at 0 stars. You also want your four Angel Song characters and Sage equipped with three Carnage shoes (+3 movement for each one). When you begin the stage, bring the Sage out of the Base Panel and close to it, then have Usalia Magichange with the Sage. Now you can move her behind the Lucky Boards, then bring out your four support characters with Angel Song to surround her. Now you can bring out the remainder of your party, which includes the Professor with Magic Boost and the 7-8 Archers. Have all of the Archers attack the Lucky Boards, then make sure you buff the Sage with Magic Boost, then use Tera Star on the middle Lucky Board. If everything is set up right and things done correctly, then you should exceed the 10 billion damage and get the trophy.
Condition - Deal over 10,000,000,000 damage.