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Silent Legion Light Pauldron Torso

Lore Quote

“I have lain in your arms, panting with the violence of our love; you have held and crushed and conquered me, drawing my soul to your lips with the fierceness of your bruising kisses. My heart is welded to your heart, my soul is part of your soul! Were I still in death and you fighting for life, I would come back to the abyss to aid you–aye, whether my spirit floated with the purple sails on the crystal sea of paradise, or writhed in the molten flames of hell! I am yours, and all the gods and all their eternities shall not sever us!” - Queen of the Black Coast.

This eldritch pauldron bears the markings and script so old no living scholar could decipher them.

A lighter, inferior copy of the armor worn by Tyros the Deathbringer - one can forgive the smith for wanting to imitate such a superior set of armor. However, without the weight of sorrow and the unique experiences of Tyros and his life.



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