When | Level | Location | Rewards |
Complete Where Angels Fear to Tread | 28 | Bounty Board (Sanctuary) | 6983 XP, Sniper Rifle |
You hear an ECHO at the beginning of the mission that sounds like someone being ripped apart by the giant skag. This giant skag is located in the cave area of Lynchwood, where you brought Dukino at the end of the Animal Rescue missions. As you take the elevator down, you’ll soon realize that the giant skag is actually Dukino’s mom and boy, is she a tough cookie.
Dukino’s Mom can do a lot of damage and quite quickly, bringing you to your knees within seconds. She has three main attacks, all of which are equally dangerous. The first will be her shooting electric balls at you, so keep moving to avoid them. The second attack will occur when she jumps into the air, creating a big shockwave upon landing; time a jump to avoid it.
Dukino’s Mom has two very dangerous attacks, a laser beam she shoots from her mouth (left) and electric balls (right).
The final attack consists of a large laser that she sweeps along the ground from her mouth; you can simply jump over this, but it can come from either side. As you will notice, she is armored, so corrosive weaponry is ideal here. Also, at certain points during the fight, bandits will spawn. Use them as diversions to draw her attention away from you, as well as fodder for Second Wind should she down you. Turn in the mission to Dukino.
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