To unlock this achievement, you need to reach the max level of Dublin Renown.
How to Complete Dublin’s Reach
This is an ongoing quest which you acquire as soon as you begin to earn renown for Dublin. The renown rank of Dublin can be tracked by hovering over the fast travel marker in the settlement from the world map.
The renown of Dublin will increase each time that you make a trade with Azar using the four main trade items: Clothing, Texts, Delicacies, and Luxuries. To learn more about how the new Trade Post system works, see our What Are Trade Posts? page.
The easiest way to increase Dublin renown is by controlling all of the Trade Posts in Ireland. You will then be able to accumulate trade items which you can use to exchange for rewards and increase Dublin renown. Aside from the initial Trade Post of Rathdown which becomes available during Rathdown Build Up, there are six other Trade Posts that you can bring under your control:
Trade Post | Quest |
Lisdurrow | Trade: Giving Your Words |
Drumlish | Trade: Dyed in the Wool |
Athlone | Trade: Trouble Brewing |
Dysert | Trade: Illuminating Event |
Ardmel | Trade: Sweetening the Pot |
Port Auley | Trade: The Ivory Post |
Dublin Renown Ranks & Rewards
Each time you rank up Dublin’s trade renown to a new level, you’ll have access to new armor, weapons, and cosmetic schematics which will become available for trade. Each rank is associated with a specific trade region:
Renown Rank | Trade Region & Rewards |
1 | Iberian Armor, Weapons, & Cosmetics |
2 | Egyptian Armor, Weapons, & Cosmetics + Dublin Champion Bracers |
3 | Rus’ Armor, Weapons, & Cosmetics |
4 | Byzantine Armor, Weapons, & Cosmetics + Dublin Champion Cloak |
5 | Unlocks An Eye for an Eye quest + Dublin Champion Helmet |
Once you’ve traded for all the items from a specific region, a new trade option will become available which allows you to trade 100 Clothing, Texts, Delicacies, or Luxuries in exchange for 40 silver and 50 XP each time you make the trade.
(1 of 3) Trade the items you earn from Trade Posts in exchange for goods from distant lands.
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