Uncharted 3: Drake’s Deception is the third game in the action-adventure franchise from the American developer Naughty Dog, best known for the Crash Bandicoot and Jak & Daxter franchises and the critically acclaimed The Last of Us.
Development began in 2010 on an “evolved” version of their previous game engine, allowing them to continue to push the boundaries of graphics on fire, sand, and water dynamics, and like the previous games in the franchise Uncharted 3 received numerous “Game of the Year” award and was praised for the writing, voice acting, graphics, cinematic quality and story.
Uncharted 3 takes place two years after Uncharted 2 and follows Nathan Drake and his mentor Victor Sullivan in a story that started 20 years ago.
When 15-year-old Nathan Drake heads to Cartagena, Colombia in search of Sir Francis Drake’s ring he first encounters Katherine Marlowe and Sully. This fateful meeting would later result in an adventure that travels from London to Arabia in search of the lost city of Ubar.
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