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Vault 75 Vaults

Background / History

Formed under the pretense of being a nuclear fallout shelter for school children and their families. Once the inhabitants were brought to the vault, their parents were removed and executed, leaving the children to become test subjects in selective breeding and genetic manipulation.


After entering through the Malden School basement door, the vault has three sections; the lab, the common, and an admin area. There is also a lower area with a combat training section.


While initially run by gunners, the later inhabitants range from synths to The Brotherhood of Steel depending on who the player sides with.

Notable Loot

  • Vault-Tec lunchbox
  • "Vault 75" iconVault 75 lab access card
  • Vault 75 admin access card
  • Science bobblehead
  • Grognak the Barbarian issue #5
  • Overseer safe key

Interactive Map Locations

1. Commonwealth Map

X: 5012 Y: 1490

Vault found beneath the school. Accessible through the basement of "Malden Middle School" iconMalden Middle School.

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