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Wakestone Implements


A stone ensorceled with miraculous magick. Formed of "Wakestone" iconWakestone shards, it holds the power to restore the dead to life.

Stealable From

Rothais Beastren


"Ambrosius" iconAmbrosius Human
Nadinia Beastren


Interactive Map Locations

Marker screenshot

1. World Map

X: 10688 Y: 5670

Inside a chest by the campsite south of "Palace Overlook Cape" iconPalace Overlook Cape.

Marker screenshot

2. World Map

X: 10536 Y: 5412

In a chest at the end of the "Spirits' Path" iconSpirits’ Path cave.

Marker screenshot

3. World Map

X: 6626 Y: 6898

In the chest hidden by a destructible rock. Climb the nearby dead "Golem" iconGolem to reach it, then blow up the explosive barrel to gain access.

Marker screenshot

4. World Map

X: 6285 Y: 8478

Between the ribs of a deceased dragon in the "Forbidden Magick Research Lab" iconForbidden Magick Research Lab’s refuse storage.

Marker screenshot

5. Dungeon & Town Maps

X: 1067 Y: 3557

Between the ribs of a deceased dragon in the "Laboratorium - Refuse Storage" iconLaboratorium - Refuse Storage.

Marker screenshot

6. Dungeon & Town Maps

X: 3390 Y: 5166

Inside the chest in the small alcove.

Marker screenshot

7. Dungeon & Town Maps

X: 929 Y: 2390

Inside the chest at the end of the tunnel behind the "Chimera" iconChimera.

Marker screenshot

8. Dungeon & Town Maps

X: 1165 Y: 7368

Found in the cave’s only chest.

Marker screenshot

9. World Map

X: 6048 Y: 5182
Marker screenshot

10. World Map

X: 7121 Y: 9048

Inside a chest in the small ruins where the "Succubus" iconSuccubus gather.

Marker screenshot

11. Dungeon & Town Maps

X: 9684 Y: 10324

Inside a chest on the northeastern edge of the cave.

Marker screenshot

12. Dungeon & Town Maps

X: 2206 Y: 10423

Inside a chest behind the blocked door.

Marker screenshot

13. Dungeon & Town Maps

X: 3903 Y: 12334

Inside the chest that unlocks upon completing the Riddle of Eyes.

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