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Spirits' Path Vermund Dungeons


Spirit’s Path is a small cave system with a few chests inside the crypt. The crypt is guarded by undead minions featuring "Skeleton" iconSkeleton "Warrior" iconWarriors and Skeleton mages.

One of the most notable rewards inside this cave is a chest that contains an "Onyx" iconOnyx, and a "Wakestone" iconWakestone. Other chests contain spell books like "Threshing Blaze" iconThreshing Blaze, and items like "Dried Spud" iconDried Spuds

Looting the unique blue chest at the end of the cave system will spawn some more spirits that will gank you from behind. Be ready to deal with the spawning adds when you open the final treasure chest in the back of the crypt.


Interactive Map Locations

Marker screenshot

1. World Map

X: 10604 Y: 5427

Accessed by climbing down the ladder.

Marker screenshot

2. World Map

X: 10566 Y: 5498

An exit that leads to a small ledge. A "Seeker's Token" iconSeeker’s Token can be found inside a nearby crate.

3. Dungeon & Town Maps

X: 2757 Y: 4969
Marker screenshot

4. Unmoored World (Post Game) Map

X: 5330 Y: 2583

The entrance to this dungeon can be found by taking the ladder down in the well.

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