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Dried Spud Curatives


A vegetable, dried to preserve its nutrients. Consume it to recover a fair amount of Stamina.

Stealable From

Judas Beastren
"Leo" iconLeo Human


Interactive Map Locations

Marker screenshot

1. World Map

X: 9248 Y: 5545

On a table inside the house.

Marker screenshot

2. World Map

X: 9398 Y: 6218

On a table in the Servant’s Antechamber.

Marker screenshot

3. World Map

X: 9871 Y: 3450

In a chest near the "Goblin" iconGoblin camp at the end of the clearing, just off the main path.

Marker screenshot

4. Dungeon & Town Maps

X: 3529 Y: 5501

Inside the wooden chest.

Marker screenshot

5. Dungeon & Town Maps

X: 11463 Y: 12509

On a table in the Servant’s Antechamber.

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