Released in 1992, The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past, introduced SNES gamers to a whole new story that took place in the kingdom of Hyrule. This handheld sequel, The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds continues this tale – while bringing some unique new elements to the fore as well as fully immersive 3D environments.
Inside Version 1.0:
The secrets to beating every dungeon (and boss) with incredible ease.
Locate all of the hidden items (such as the Pegasus Boots).
Find all 24 Heart Pieces (including that annoying Octoball one).
Rescue all 100 MaiMai’s and your rewards for doing so.
Fully upgrade your sword with all four hidden Master Ore pieces.
Topple the Treacherous Tower with ease and earn those secret weapons!
How to use StreetPass to fight mysterious ShadowLinks!
Unlock the game’s deepest secrets and Easter Eggs.
Screenshots with extra tips to give additional help.
Im excited to play this!
Most definitely! ????????
Thank you! ????
Really enjoying this game! ✨
Thank you! ????️????
Have fun! ????