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Cadensia Region, Full — Xenoblade Chronicles 3 Interactive Map

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An interactive map of the Cadensia Region, Full in Xenoblade Chronicles 3. Features all Containers, Soldier Husks, Unique Enemies, NPCs, Colonies, Landmarks, Key Items and Quests.

Published: 4th of Aug, 2022

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Trigonal Shard at X: 7587 Y: 6428 You need to scale the giant skeletal structure to reach it

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there is a missing origin shard in x:7208 y: 15928 in the Brasa Geothermal Belt area

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Sorry for the lately reply, I've added it (Odd Six-Angled Shard) to the map now.

Also, we are interested in data-mining the maps for various games, but we lack the knowledge to do so and/or there's no easy to way to add that information to our website.

This was true when this map was first created, but I'm unsure if things have changed.

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There are so many more of that, ethers and containers and more that are missing. How hard is it to datamine the current game and find them...? (I'm referring to the author of these so called maps)

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Thanks for this map! I found my final location to complete the map. It was Samons Secret Storage. Even though the area was uncovered on my map, I hadn't actually gone inside the room. Once I stepped through, the map was completed????

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Congrats! Yeah, that was one of my main worries when filling out the maps. That I'd brush past a location, but it wouldn't be close enough to register. This game really needs an update to add locations to the map!

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You're missing Slack-Jawed Zephal at X: 6750 Y: 10540. It shows up during thunderstorms.

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@MasterVGuides you really need to datamine and fetch the data... Don't be lazy.

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This Unique Enemy has been added to the map now.

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Hello. A unique monster is missing at x: 1761 y: 4225. The Lv84 monster named Ravenous Babayaga is located next to the land.

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Sorry it took so long, but this Unique Enemy has been added to the map now.

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Chest on x: 7000 y: 11130 Daedal Isle

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"Spectral Remy" grave x: 3730 y:20760

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A location is missing at x:2675 y:1195 : Penitentiary, freight gate (translated, maybe a different name. Too bad it's not the last one I'll miss despite looking for others ones :(

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Yeah, there's a good chance it's a location. Really weird they're not on the in-game map, since they were there in XB1 and XB2. Hopefully they patch them in!

Just in case, have you done most of the Colony Mu quests, leading up to the Armu Ranch? There are two locations/landmarks tied to that. Also Guard Quarters in Li Garte Prison requires doing a Segiri quest.

Other easy to miss locations include Antol Pit in the middle of Corne Island and Needle Reef Beach, south from Vinisog Holm.

If all else fails, you could use the in-game markers to indicate locations you've visited, so you don't have to keep going back to check, haha.

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Oops you are right.I've gone crazy with these locations that I treat all places as is.

Lankmarks, rests spot and secrets area are all clear (thanks to ingame listing) but map is still uncovered ! Surely a missing Location where I passed by but not by enough to discover it. Thanks for the help and for the map.

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Are you referring to the "Prison, Freight Gate" landmark? https://www.gamerguides.com/xenoblade-chronicles-3/maps/cadensia-region-full#21165

Hopefully you find the missing location you need!

Oh, if you haven't tried, you can use the map filters to remove everything except the Locations category (near the top).

We also have four pages covering all the landmarks, locations, rest areas and secret areas that we've found, starting from here: https://www.gamerguides.com/xenoblade-chronicles-3/guide/cadensia-region/locations/all-landmarks-in-cadensia-region-full

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You're missing two UM

Slack-Jawed Zephal at 6800,10500 (only shows up during thunderstorms) Ravenous Babyaga at 1840, 4139

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Appreciate if someone can help me get to the slope at x: 7055 y: 6083, to get to the container to the west. It’s surround by walls. Thanks!

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Thank you! Definitely was over thinking it ????

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if you go north from the ferronis hulk up the slope and drop down, you can loop around east, up that slope, drop down and down the sandpit to the area with the container

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Finally found my last landmark/location for this map and came to post about it but you already have the respite ranch landmark. good work.

got 100% on everything but the final dungeon now, which should be easy, it isnt very big

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Where is the First Pillar Remnant?

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I got it to 100% now!

To everyone struggling aswell, here are the few spots that I discovered that were missing on my map over the course of 3 days:

- Corne Island: Antol Pit - Li Garte Prison Camp: Guard Quarters and Rest Spot: Central Cell Canteen - Irma's Secret Base - Hidden Weapon Lab - Landmark: Cradle Convoy Shelter

I hope this might be useful to anyone, since these spots are locked behind ascension quests, but Antol Pit!

I want to thank everyone responsible for this map!

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I got the Mu spots. I will check everything once more. Been doing this for 3 days now xD Thx!

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If you read the rest of the comments, there are a few prime candidates. There's a landmark (not on our map) in Colony Mu and a location (Irma's Secret Base) north from there after completing quests in Colony Mu.

Otherwise, if you filter out all the markers except landmarks, secret areas and rest spots, I think our map should have everything else.

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Oh! Thank you. I was just wondering if this was my missing landmark. I explored everything ;_;

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It's along the south shore of Dendal Island. Open in new tab: https://www.gamerguides.com/xenoblade-chronicles-3/maps/cadensia-region-full#21787

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there's a landmark at about x: 1943 y:6861 called 'Colony Mu, Respite Ranch' and a location at x:1935 y:5058 called 'Irma's Secret Room'. Both of these can only be discovered by doing quests at Colony Mu

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Thanks a bunch! Actually in the middle of those quests right now.

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I found a few unmarked UMs. Barbed Merod is at X: 9815 Y: 7380. It pops out of the water, so you might not notice it right away. Seatiger Tridence is at X: 6750 Y: 1090, but only at night. Slack-Jawed Zephal is at X: 6750 Y: 10540, but only during thunderstorms. Sharkblade Nedd is at X: 3430 Y: 11160. Ravenous Babayaga is at X:1760 Y: 4130. There's a quartet of UMs at X: 10970 Y:10380 named Ghosting Lulika, Darkening Asha, Fleeting Shikino, and Miraging Yuri. They won't show up until you've moved Colony 15 to the City at the earliest or after Triton's Ascension quest at the latest. Not sure which one triggered their appearance. Your unnamed UM at X: 9560 Y: 13410 is called Talkative Dirakha.

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Grave (3379,11187) "Sharkblade Nedd" lvl 67 Grave (9815,7360) "Barbed Merod" lvl 51 I'll keep updating as I find stuff.

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Cheers! We'll update the map very soon with your findings. As it happens, I just explored the south half of Malevolent Hollow, myself.

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Another Location: "Sea Lizards' Tide Pool" (9305,7104)

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UM "Heroic Gulkin" X:8255 Y:5820, Final legacy of the 7 is at X:7772 Y:16900, behind 2 lvl100+ UMs "Conqueror Deepwan" and "King Krawkin", I haven't beaten them so I don't know exactly where their grave(s) spawn, they most likely share a single grave. Landmark/location at X:7772, Y: 17236 "Demihuman Gutter" and one at X7500,Y16838 "Emerald Font"

I still haven't completed this map, so I'm still missing some locations somewhere

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Unique enemy at x: 6635 y: 16140, it's name is Littlefort Morley.

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Thanks for this tip @AbbaTheOne. Added to the map now :) We will update the marker with screenshots and stuff in a bit!

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you missed the Malevolent Hollow landmark

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Hi Tree3155081 - Can you provide coordinates for the landmark? You can find co-ords by hovering over the map (the co-ords appear bottom left). Thanks!

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I found a few unmarked UMs. Barbed Merod is at X: 9815 Y: 7380. It pops out of the water, so you might not notice it right away. Seatiger Tridence is at X: 6750 Y: 1090, but only at night. Slack-Jawed Zephal is at X: 6750 Y: 10540, but only during thunderstorms. Sharkblade Nedd is at X: 3430 Y: 11160. Ravenous Babayaga is at X:1760 Y: 4130. There's a quartet of UMs at X: 10970 Y:10380 named Ghosting Lulika, Darkening Asha, Fleeting Shikino, and Miraging Yuri. They won't show up until you've moved Colony 15 to the City at the earliest or after Triton's Ascension quest at the latest. Not sure which one triggered their appearance. Your unnamed UM at X: 9560 Y: 13410 is called Talkative Dirakha.

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you missed the Malevolent Hollow landmark

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Hi Tree3155081 - Can you provide coordinates for the landmark? You can find co-ords by hovering over the map (the co-ords appear bottom left). Thanks!

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Unique enemy at x: 6635 y: 16140, it's name is Littlefort Morley.

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Thanks for this tip @AbbaTheOne. Added to the map now :) We will update the marker with screenshots and stuff in a bit!

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UM "Heroic Gulkin" X:8255 Y:5820, Final legacy of the 7 is at X:7772 Y:16900, behind 2 lvl100+ UMs "Conqueror Deepwan" and "King Krawkin", I haven't beaten them so I don't know exactly where their grave(s) spawn, they most likely share a single grave. Landmark/location at X:7772, Y: 17236 "Demihuman Gutter" and one at X7500,Y16838 "Emerald Font"

I still haven't completed this map, so I'm still missing some locations somewhere

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Another Location: "Sea Lizards' Tide Pool" (9305,7104)

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Grave (3379,11187) "Sharkblade Nedd" lvl 67 Grave (9815,7360) "Barbed Merod" lvl 51 I'll keep updating as I find stuff.

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Cheers! We'll update the map very soon with your findings. As it happens, I just explored the south half of Malevolent Hollow, myself.

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there's a landmark at about x: 1943 y:6861 called 'Colony Mu, Respite Ranch' and a location at x:1935 y:5058 called 'Irma's Secret Room'. Both of these can only be discovered by doing quests at Colony Mu

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Thanks a bunch! Actually in the middle of those quests right now.

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Where is the First Pillar Remnant?

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I got it to 100% now!

To everyone struggling aswell, here are the few spots that I discovered that were missing on my map over the course of 3 days:

- Corne Island: Antol Pit - Li Garte Prison Camp: Guard Quarters and Rest Spot: Central Cell Canteen - Irma's Secret Base - Hidden Weapon Lab - Landmark: Cradle Convoy Shelter

I hope this might be useful to anyone, since these spots are locked behind ascension quests, but Antol Pit!

I want to thank everyone responsible for this map!

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I got the Mu spots. I will check everything once more. Been doing this for 3 days now xD Thx!

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If you read the rest of the comments, there are a few prime candidates. There's a landmark (not on our map) in Colony Mu and a location (Irma's Secret Base) north from there after completing quests in Colony Mu.

Otherwise, if you filter out all the markers except landmarks, secret areas and rest spots, I think our map should have everything else.

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Oh! Thank you. I was just wondering if this was my missing landmark. I explored everything ;_;

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It's along the south shore of Dendal Island. Open in new tab: https://www.gamerguides.com/xenoblade-chronicles-3/maps/cadensia-region-full#21787

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Finally found my last landmark/location for this map and came to post about it but you already have the respite ranch landmark. good work.

got 100% on everything but the final dungeon now, which should be easy, it isnt very big

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You're missing two UM

Slack-Jawed Zephal at 6800,10500 (only shows up during thunderstorms) Ravenous Babyaga at 1840, 4139

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A location is missing at x:2675 y:1195 : Penitentiary, freight gate (translated, maybe a different name. Too bad it's not the last one I'll miss despite looking for others ones :(

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Yeah, there's a good chance it's a location. Really weird they're not on the in-game map, since they were there in XB1 and XB2. Hopefully they patch them in!

Just in case, have you done most of the Colony Mu quests, leading up to the Armu Ranch? There are two locations/landmarks tied to that. Also Guard Quarters in Li Garte Prison requires doing a Segiri quest.

Other easy to miss locations include Antol Pit in the middle of Corne Island and Needle Reef Beach, south from Vinisog Holm.

If all else fails, you could use the in-game markers to indicate locations you've visited, so you don't have to keep going back to check, haha.

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Oops you are right.I've gone crazy with these locations that I treat all places as is.

Lankmarks, rests spot and secrets area are all clear (thanks to ingame listing) but map is still uncovered ! Surely a missing Location where I passed by but not by enough to discover it. Thanks for the help and for the map.

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Are you referring to the "Prison, Freight Gate" landmark? https://www.gamerguides.com/xenoblade-chronicles-3/maps/cadensia-region-full#21165

Hopefully you find the missing location you need!

Oh, if you haven't tried, you can use the map filters to remove everything except the Locations category (near the top).

We also have four pages covering all the landmarks, locations, rest areas and secret areas that we've found, starting from here: https://www.gamerguides.com/xenoblade-chronicles-3/guide/cadensia-region/locations/all-landmarks-in-cadensia-region-full

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Thanks for this map! I found my final location to complete the map. It was Samons Secret Storage. Even though the area was uncovered on my map, I hadn't actually gone inside the room. Once I stepped through, the map was completed????

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Congrats! Yeah, that was one of my main worries when filling out the maps. That I'd brush past a location, but it wouldn't be close enough to register. This game really needs an update to add locations to the map!

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there is a missing origin shard in x:7208 y: 15928 in the Brasa Geothermal Belt area

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Sorry for the lately reply, I've added it (Odd Six-Angled Shard) to the map now.

Also, we are interested in data-mining the maps for various games, but we lack the knowledge to do so and/or there's no easy to way to add that information to our website.

This was true when this map was first created, but I'm unsure if things have changed.

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There are so many more of that, ethers and containers and more that are missing. How hard is it to datamine the current game and find them...? (I'm referring to the author of these so called maps)

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Appreciate if someone can help me get to the slope at x: 7055 y: 6083, to get to the container to the west. It’s surround by walls. Thanks!

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Thank you! Definitely was over thinking it ????

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if you go north from the ferronis hulk up the slope and drop down, you can loop around east, up that slope, drop down and down the sandpit to the area with the container

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"Spectral Remy" grave x: 3730 y:20760

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Chest on x: 7000 y: 11130 Daedal Isle

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Hello. A unique monster is missing at x: 1761 y: 4225. The Lv84 monster named Ravenous Babayaga is located next to the land.

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Sorry it took so long, but this Unique Enemy has been added to the map now.

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You're missing Slack-Jawed Zephal at X: 6750 Y: 10540. It shows up during thunderstorms.

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@MasterVGuides you really need to datamine and fetch the data... Don't be lazy.

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This Unique Enemy has been added to the map now.

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Trigonal Shard at X: 7587 Y: 6428 You need to scale the giant skeletal structure to reach it

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Guide Information
  • Publisher
  • Platforms,
  • Genre
    Action RPG
  • Guide Release
    26 July 2022
  • Last Updated
    12 May 2023
  • Guide Author

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