Cotton-Candy Hunt Side Quests
Head for the Hidden Ruins south-east from
To unlock the entrance, defeat the Drippitune nearby to get rid of the rain. Then light the torches atop the stone pillars.
Inside the ruins, you need to manipulate Sparks to progress. By the way, Sparks can actually be destroyed and thus copied. You can then shoot Sparks yourself to activate the blocks, instead of funneling the existing ones in.
At the end of the ruins is Smog, who you fought at the
Eastern Temple. This time, the battlefield is 2D, but the strategy is the same; when Smog splits up, create objects to force it to combine again.
Reward:Piece of Heart (from defeating the Smog)
Curious Charm
Adventure Log Text
A Deku Scrub said that they found a large amount of cotton candy at a building south of Scrubton. Try to go and check it out.
The “cotton candy” the Deku Scrub saw turned out to be Smog. You should go back to the Scrub who saw it and let them know.
The Deku Scrub refused to believe that the cotton candy they saw was a monster. They’re still hoping to find it again.
Interactive Map Locations

1. Hyrule Map - Echoes of Wisdom
Around the center of Scrubton.
Available after completing Faron Temple.
You may also need to complete Let’s Play a Game.
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