A Mountainous Mystery Side Quests
Navigate your way through the Summit Cave. Most of it is pretty straightforward.
At the end of the 2D section, there’s an awkward part where you need to ascend a narrow gap. You can summon Boulders to create a path, for example, then summon a
Tweelus at the end.
At the endpoint, you will face a Volcanic Talus, which is surprisingly deadly. Having
Hydrozols ready on hand would be useful, to douse its flames during the second half of the fight.
Reward:Goron’s Bracelet
Adventure Log Text
Strange noises have been coming from Eldin Volcano. Darston headed toward the summit to investigate but hasn’t come back yet.
The noises are coming from a cave near the summit. Darston thinks it might be a flame giant from a local folk tale, who was trapped inside when its flames were put out.
You defeated the flame giant! You should let Darston know it was the thing causing the strange noises.
You defeated the flame giant from the legend! The mysterious noises have stopped. Darston was relieved and returned to Goron City.
Interactive Map Locations

1. Hyrule Map - Echoes of Wisdom
From Darston inside the Summit Cave.
If it doesn’t appear, you may need to speak to Darston at Goron City or complete some Goron-related sidequests.
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