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The Jabul Waters Rift Main Quests

Adventure Log Text

A large Rift has appeared in "Jabul Waters" iconJabul Waters. You’ll be able to create an entrance into it somewhere. Try searching around that Rift to find the spot.

Lord Jabu-Jabu has been running wild since the appearance of the large Rift that Tri saw. You can find this great spirit’s den somewhere beyond a bridge east of the village. The den may be close to that large Rift.

You found where you can create an entrance into the large Rift, but it’s on the other side of a door. The only way to open it is to have the River Zora chief and Sea Zora chief play music there together.

The den’s door won’t open unless the River Zora and Sea Zora chiefs play there together. Unfortunately, the River Zora chief, Dradd, has rushed off to "Crossflows Plaza" iconCrossflows Plaza without hearing your request.

The den’s door won’t open unless the River Zora and Sea Zora chiefs play there together. Unfortunately, the Sea Zora chief, Kushara, had no time to hear your request and headed to Crossflows Plaza.

You tried to meet with Chief Draddand Chief Kushara, but they both hurried off to Crossflows Plaza to play music for Lord Jabu-Jabu. You’ve also heard that the two chiefs are having a big squabble.

Lord Jabu-Jabu seemed to be upset by the terrible performance and gulped down two of the Zora. The chiefs headed north in pursuit of Lord Jabu-Jabu.

You took care of the small Rift near the River Zora village, saving those who’d been swallowed up, including Dradd. The chiefs then chased after Lord Jabu-Jabu, who surged down to "Zora Cove" iconZora Cove.

Dradd and Kushara promised to perform together at the den, and Lord Jabu-Jabu has likely returned there as well. Head to the den to meet them all.

Lord Jabu-Jabu’s rampage has made a ruin of his den. Dradd and Kushara can’t perform until it’s been restored to normal.

The two chiefs played in unison, and their performance opened the door to the den. Lord Jabu-Jabu is within. Confront him, and demand that he return the two Zora he gulped down.

The Lord Jabu-Jabu that’s been on a rampage is an impostor that came from the Rift. Defeat this fake Lord Jabu-Jabu and save the Zora who were gulped down.

You defeated the Lord Jabu-Jabu impostor. It’s possible that the real Lord Jabu-Jabu is somewhere in the Rift. Dradd and the others hope you can rescue him.

Tri made an entrance into the large Rift in Jabul Waters. Head into it, and save Tri’s friends, along with the real Lord Jabu-Jabu.

You saved Tri’s friends and took care of the Rift in Jabul Waters. You should now go back to your world.

Lord Jabu-Jabu returned after you took care of the large Rift in Jabul Waters. The Zora chiefs are also getting along again and performed for you to show their thanks.

Interactive Map Locations

Marker screenshot

1. Hyrule Map - Echoes of Wisdom

X: 9675 Y: 7243

Obtained when you enter "Jabul Waters" iconJabul Waters.

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