Still Missing Main Quests
Adventure Log Text
The King of Hyrule and Link are still missing, even after mending the large Rifts. Return to Lueburry’s house, and share everything that has happened.
General Wright headed toward Hyrule Castle. He plans to expose the true identities of the impostors in hopes of saving the king of Hyrule, who is still trapped in a Rift. Minister Lefte followed General Wright, hoping to stop him.
Hyrule Castle Town has been swallowed by a giant Rift. Minister Lefte and General Wright rushed in to save those who haven’t escaped yet. They asked you to save anyone else who has been taken by the Rift.
Tri created an entrance into the Rift in the bottom of a well in Hyrule Castle Town. Continue to work toward mending the Rift at Hyrule Castle.
You finally found the King of Hyrule in the throne room inside the Rift! Mend the Hyrule Castle Rift and save everyone.
The Ganon that appeared before you again was an echo all along. Tri doesn’t understand why this is. For now, you should return to your world.
The impostors are gone, and the King of Hyrule has returned. However, Link, who helped Zelda, was captured by someone. Head to the throne room where the king of Hyrule awaits.
Interactive Map Locations

1. Hyrule Map - Echoes of Wisdom
Obtained after completing both Gerudo Sanctum and
Jabul Ruins.
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