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All Totem Shrine Doors Locations in Tchia

Jarrod Garripoli
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Soul-Jumping is one of the main mechanics in "Tchia" iconTchia, but you start the game with only three bars on your Soul Meter. In order to unlock more, you will need to find and complete the "Totem Shrine Door" iconTotem Shrine Doors across the map. Each one you complete will add another bar to your Soul Meter.

Carving totems will be needed in order to upgrade your Soul Meter

How to Upgrade the Soul Meter in Tchia

You will be able to find the Totem Shrine Doors in the wild, while exploring, but will have no clue what they actually do until a little later in the main story. They are huge doors that have a totem marking on them, with a receptacle in front. You won’t be able to open these doors until you reach Chapter 4 of the main story, when you have to gather offerings for "Meavora" iconMeavora. When you visit "Hunahmi" iconHunahmi, you will meet with the chief there and learn about totem carving.

To do the Totem Shrine Doors, you will need to go to a Sculpting Stand and actually chisel away the pattern that is on the door. For the case of the first door that’s part of the story, the model will be pointed out to you. For the other doors, you can simply go to your map, hover the cursor over the door and it will show you the required totem carving you need. You then head to a !Sculpting Stand site (these are separate markers on the map), pick out the one with L1/R1 in the bottom right corner, then go to work on the totem.

(1 of 2) Highlight the Totem Door marker to see the carving you need

Highlight the Totem Door marker to see the carving you need (left), Drop the matching totem onto the circle in front of the door to open it (right)

Before getting to the specifics, you will need to carve out the actual features of the totem by breaking away the spots. After breaking away the initial sections, you’re left with the darker wood left over. Chiseling these spots will reveal a lighter wood underneath it, with both of the colors being important. The parts you will need to pay careful attention to are the eyes (three parts for each eye), nostrils (one part for nostril), markings under the eyes (three on each side), and the teeth (there are eight teeth). If you mess up at all on a carving, you can simply press Triangle to restart.

After successfully matching the picture to the actual totem, press Circle to validate the totem, with it becoming an item you can place in your backpack. When you find a Totem Shrine Door in the wild, take the totem you carved out of your backpack, then drop it into the circle in front of the door. If the carving matches the one on the door, then it will open, allowing you to go inside and participate in the challenge. Complete the challenge to gain access to the "Soul Fruit" iconSoul Fruit, which you can eat to add another bar to your Soul Meter.

Where to Find the Totem Shrine Door in Hunahmi

This first door is part of the story and it’s not optional at all, since you need to do it to progress. There isn’t actually a challenge inside the place, since you will be given the Soul Fruit right away. Just walk up to the Soul Fruit and press the Square button to eat it, which will complete the Totem Shrine Door and add a notch to your Soul Meter.

Where to Find the Totem Shrine Door on Gutu

The small island of "Gutu" iconGutu is located off the shore, north of "Tingeting" iconTingeting, a small village near the central portion of the main island, Ija Noj (the northern of the two). There is a Dock here, so it’s easy to locate (they are fast travel points). After carving out the necessary totem, leave Tingeting and make your way north, to Gutu. The Totem Shrine Door will be located on the beach on the northwestern side.

For this challenge, you will need to do a Music Sequence with your Ukulele. As with all of the Music Sequences in this game, you have the option to have them autoplay, by clicking in the left analog stick. There’s actually no penalty for even failing, should you play manually. Remember that you just need to play the notes as the nodes are coming into view of the chords. It doesn’t matter which button you use to hit the notes.

Where to Find the Totem Shrine Door Near Leboo Hau

This one is nestled in the mountains a little bit, with Leboo Hau being located pretty much directly east of the Totem Shrine Door near Hunahmi. As with any of the carvings, you can go to any Sculpture Stand to get the totem. To get a little better direction, there is a small lake, called Jawe Boo, to the east of Leboo Hau. Once you have found Totem Shrine Door, place the totem in the circle in front of it to open the way to the challenge inside.

The challenge will require you to shoot flying orbs, in order to complete it. These orbs are spread throughout the area, past the initial receptacle holding the Soul Fruit. These flying orbs will move around after a few seconds, and considering there’s no time limit here, you can take your time in destroy all 17 orbs you have to destroy. Despite the stuff in your way, it’s pretty easy to see the orbs, as they glow, plus the overall area isn’t all too big. After destroying all of the orbs, return to the original area to get your Soul Fruit.

Where to Find the Totem Shrine Door Near Tingeting

Tingeting is a village located on Ija Noj, and is south of the small island of Gutu. A little west of Tingeting will be this Totem Shrine Door. This can be a tough challenge, as you will need to keep stealthy during it. Every few seconds, the pair of eyes in the background will flash and if you’re not in the shadows, then it will try to hit you with a laser beam. Paying attention during this trial is key, as you will want to keep an eye out for any shadows cast by the environment and hide behind them.

In between the light flashes, move to the next spot and remember that you can crouch with the Circle button. This will be important, as you will want to crouch behind some logs, as taller cover will be unavailable. At one point, it looks like you hit a dead end, but look around that area to find a spot you can climb, allowing you to continue further. Once you reach the end, you will see the plant that produces the Soul Fruit, and you won’t have to hide from the eyes producing lasers anymore.

Where to Find the Totem Shrine Door in Hnapapa

Hnapapa is an area that is located on Madra Noj, the southern of the two main islands. It is on the same landmass as Aemoon, the city you visit during the beginning of the game, and home to Maevora. If you look at the map of Madra Noj, there are two smaller islands in the middle of it, along the river there. The Totem Shrine Door will be a little east of the northern of those two smaller islands. This challenge will have you possessing a ball-like object, and completing an obstacle course, of sorts.

It can be one of the more challenging Totem Shrine Doors in the game, as the course is fairly long and there are a lot of tight. Remember that you can jump with the X button, which can help in some situations. There is no time limit here, so you can take your sweet time in completing the course. Also, there are a few checkpoints throughout it, so you don’t need to complete it all in one go, either. The first tricky spot is when you see rotating platforms, and you need to cross them; Just try to move across them whenever they are getting ready to line up with solid ground.

There is another instance of this later on, near the end, which will be one continuous spinning portion. Other obstacles include a thin path that isn’t barely bigger then your possessed object, as well as smaller tiles that break apart whenever you use them as a platform. The Soul Fruit will just be past the rotating set of platforms mentioned above.

Where to Find the Totem Shrine Door Near Koilo

Koili is an area located on Madra Noj, the southern of the two main islands. If you look at your map, you should see a body of water called Co Tim, and south of there is the "Lai" iconLai Dock. So, you could fast travel to Lai (if you have it unlocked), then head northwest from there to find Koilo, and the Totem Shrine Door. This challenge will have you constantly on the move, as a pair of eyes in the background will fire lasers at you, resulting in an explosion each time. The explosion is fairly small, but just large enough to be a nuisance.

You will want to stay on the move at all times, as the explosion radius can go through objects. You are able to see where the explosion will occur, since the laser portion will follow you around (it doesn’t hurt you). Most of the challenge is straight forward, with the biggest problem coming towards the end. There will be two platforms across a large gap, moving alongside each other at the same time. Along the way, while riding them, you will need to hop to the other platform when the eyes fire at you, but you can also use the debris in the way to try and block the explosions.

Where to Find the Totem Shrine Door in Xupi Maano

Elsewhere on Madra Noj, there is an island on the southwestern side, called "Xupi Maano" iconXupi Maano. There will be a small island connected to this one, off the western side, which is where you’ll find the Totem Shrine Door. This is probably the simplest challenge out of them all, as you just need to play Tic-Tac-Toe. There will be a series of nine platforms in the middle, and you jump on the ones you want to mark. Win the game and you will gain access to the Soul Fruit.

Where to Find the Totem Shrine Door on Ieji Sinoe

The final Totem Shrine Door, if you’ve done all the others, cannot be gotten until you reach Chapter 5 of the main story. The reason for this is because "Ieji Sinoe" iconIeji Sinoe, the island it’s on, is not there until that point in the story. It will be on the northern side of the map, by Kavare’s Land. This challenge can prove to be a bit difficult, as you have to get a Gold Trophy in a race. Specifically, you will be controlling a "Xetiwa" iconXetiwa, a rare animal that you cannot normally access until after completing the main story.

This animal moves quite quickly and controls well, but it may take a few tries to get all of the checkpoints during this race. The X button will raise the creature, while the Circle button will lower your vertical height. As with any other race in the game, there will be a green line that guides you to the next checkpoint, so always keep an eye out for this, as you will be going up and down quite often. As mentioned above, you need a Gold Trophy to pass this challenge, which amounts to completing it in less than 160 seconds. This is fine and there is some leeway in the time needed, so you’re not forced to rush too much.

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Guide Information
  • Publisher
    Awaceb, Kepler Interactive
  • Platforms,
    PC, PS4, PS5
  • Genre
    Action Adventure, Adventure, Indie
  • Guide Release
    20 March 2023
  • Last Updated
    8 April 2023
    Version History
  • Guide Author

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Tchia sets off on an adventure to rescue her father from the island’s ruler, Meavora, in this open-world adventure, inspired by New Caledonia. She can jump, glide, ride her boat, and even use her special gift to Soul-Jump into animals and objects. This guide currently contains the following content:

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