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Bodyguard Monster List

Enemy Info

They got roped into being Claymorton’s bodyguards because they happened to be standing there. Otherwise, they’re not much stronger than other Shymores.

Thought Peek

Boing, boing, boing.

Enemy Attacks

Hot Shot: Just like their lesser counterparts, Shymores, the Bodyguards will hop forward and spit a fireball toward its target. You’re looking for medium-range to time your defense. This will deal around 5 HP if you miss the timing.

Bounce: The Bodyguard will hop high in the air and attempt to land on its target, wait until the spring is close to connecting to time your defense.


Despite only having 30 HP, the Bodyguards are not your main target in this battle. After a while, !Claymorten will just summon more of them so while it can be helpful to have Mallow whittle them down with Thunderbolt while Mario focuses on !Claymorten.


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