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Beezo Monster List

Enemy Info

Apparently they have their own theme song called “Beat it, Beezo!” which they seldom sing in front of others. If you manage to hear it, count yourself lucky.

Thought Peek

♪ La dee dahh! ♪ Haha.

Enemy Attacks

Will-O-Wisp: The Beezo conjures an electrical pillar that rises above from the target. Wait until the ground below the target glows before timing your defense. This will hit for upward of 30 HP if you don’t defend.

Stab: The Beezo will fly close and attempt to stab a single target. Wait until it pull its weapon back before timing your defense.


The Beezos can be particularly deadly if you underestimate them, Will-O-Wisp is a powerful attack that will hit hard if you don’t time your defense, and that can be tough until you get used to it. If you come up against a Special version of the Beezo, don’t be afraid to use some FP on it to take it down as quickly as possible.


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