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Obsidian Fieldlands — Pokémon Legends: Arceus Interactive Map

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An interactive map of the Obsidian Fieldlands in Pokémon Legends: Arceus including all Normal Pokémon, Wisps, Unowns and Alpha Pokemon.

Published: 26th of Jan, 2022

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There's also two Alpha Sythurs

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There's an unmarked Alpha Luxury right next to the Alpha Snorlax.

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There's a misplaced Alpha Lickylicky marker to the northeast of Lake Verity that's not there in-game. The only Alpha Lickylicky spawn I know of is in the Crimson Mirelands

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Hi Ancel3. Looks like we have corrected this now! Thank you for pointing this out.

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X5353 y962 have eevee

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x5656 y3448 Chimchar spawn Got lucky and got an alpha here ;)

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I have collect every wisp of this map and the game still says theres one left

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Sorry, I found it. My mistake.

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on your legend, it says there are 2 alpha golbals 1 only know of 1 location and on your map, there is only 1 location, if you would please enlighten me that would be great but if you can't please fix your legend ;)

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Hi there! We have fixed this duplicate. Thanks for bringing it to our attention! :)

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I just found this site I have a question though do I have to have a premium account to track my collection.

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Hi there! Yes, to use the tracking feature it is a premium feature. Thanks for using our site!

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I just want to add that a Alpha Drifblim can spawn on Ramanas Island at night cause i got a alpha drifblim spawn there please check. I got it 1 times so i think its rare

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Alphas spawn randomly too. We only mark the fixed Alphas on the map.

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gracias por los aportes

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Another Munchlax spawn location: x4460 y3950

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Nice spot! Thanks, added this to the map.

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Cherrim Bug has been fixed!

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Awesome! Updated the marker with the correct information :)

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there are no fewer than four potential eevee spawns in the horseshoe plains area

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Yeah there are quite a few. We've tried to do as many as possible without it becoming confusing. I might add a note in the description box to check around the Horseshoe Plains area more if Eevee hasn't spawned at the markers.

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Thanks for all the hard work and for answering our comments the only comment I have sent here was the Space-time distortion section and you have added it afterwards and I want to thank everyone from this community who helped filling these maps i have completed everything in this game including post game stuff in about 84H and i really took my time in the story for anyone who doesn't care about the story i believe he can finish everything in about 35H+ all thanks to these maps. Keep up the good work ????????

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Thank you for being here and your suggestion! It was a good one and it's certainly helped improve the maps a lot. We are still tweaking the maps and will be supporting them for some time to come :)

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me at 83H... still have half the dex to compleate and need to get like 4 mons left...

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Not sure if this spawns naturally or if I got lucky but an alpha wurmple spawned at x3180 y3364 between the two rocks. The placement seems too natural for it not to be a lucky spawn but I could be wrong. Spawned at night while I was pichu hunting.

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thats a chance iv been over there alot and only see it occasionaly

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Firstly, thank you for making this exist. And secondly I'd like to contribute this: The sisters can spawn before post game. I've encountered them whilst using this guide to get rare spawns like Pichu.

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Update: The sisters spawn as soon as you've completed and unlocked the next area. I revisited Coronet Highlands a little after unlocking the Alabaster Icelands and I spotted Charm on a cliff.

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I had just unlocked the Coronet Highlands but instead of continuing the story I went back and caught what I haven't had yet and completed some Obsidian Fieldlands quests. When a time-space distortion appeared while I was working the Munchlax spawns I came across Coin then Charm then used this guide to later find Clover.

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Do you know how far into the game you were? My assumption would be after the Main Story meetings, they can spawn in these locations. If anyone else has more info when they might encounter them, do let us know.

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Guys, any tips for appearing Eevee alpha. Please I really want an alpha eevee =((.Thanks!

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Thanks, I'll try that way. Is the moon-shaped lake where there is a tree?

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Go to the first camp in the field lands and wait until morning, run east of the camp and there should be two bidoofs (towards the top of map to the left of the first body of water east of the camp), catch them both then run south/east and there will be one bidoof(right above the river, left of the pond shaped like a moon closest to the camp), catch him. Fast travel back to the camp and wait until midday, go check where the bidoofs were and there should be an eevee spawn. After doing this a few times eventually an alpha eevee will appear. Lots of people say the time distortions but I tired my luck so many times with that and never got an alpha eevee. So I tried this method and got one in like 10 minutes.

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your best bet is trying to get an eevee outbreak in this area(thats how i plan on doing it)

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I'm appreciate you guys making this it has helped me tons! I have been grind money form the miss fortune sisters in this zone, and I wanted to know if u guys wanted the cord abt where all of their spawns? they are all close and in the are u have marked, but i have seen Coin spawn in 5 points, 3 points for charm, and 4 for clover.

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They definitely spawn in slightly different locations each time but always within a tiny region. We've purposely not added them all because they are within such a small area, it would overload and confuse the map. Thank you though and I'm really glad the map is helping! :)

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We’ve now added Pokémon Types and National Dex information to the Pokémon popups.

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I just wanted to say thank you for making this map, its been a big help. Also there is a shaking tree encounter with Combee on windswept run island.

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Thanks for the kind words, it means a lot! I've added the Combee, thanks for the info!

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Very nice map. Used it to collect all Incognito, Verses and Wisps. The Pictures are especially helpful for the Incognito. I would love to see Location added for the Bandit Sisters, as they are great to farm Money in late game PLA

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Added their possible spawns here for you :) Please note that there is only a chance so you'll need to reset at Jubilife to make them appear if they don't show.

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There is actually a 3rd eevee spawn point, northwest of the leftmost lake of Horseshoe Plains near the tree in that direction.

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Thanks for all of your support, a lot of time and effort goes into these and your kind words mean a lot :) Do continue to let us know if we've missed anything, it's greatly appreciated!

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This tool is crazy. Had to make an account just to say thanks!

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Thank you! And thanks even more for your support and just being here.

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Added Space-Time Distortion info to the maps today!

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The app is amazing it is a great help. Thank you for all the hard work you did. And It is better on the PC on mobile everything is jumbled up together when zoomed out makes it difficult navigate through without being fully zoomed in.

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Thank you. It's definitely best viewed on desktop, but should work well on mobile too. We'd recommend zooming in using 'pinch to zoom' or the '+/-' icons in the top right corner of the map. You can also use the full screen icon (also located in the top right of the map) to enlarge to 100% for maximum viewability!

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We have now added all 20 Old Verses & the Dig Sites to the maps.

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We need a section for Space-time distortion pokemons that would be much appreciated

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We have now added Space-time Distortions to the map with the Pokémon that can appear inside the marker popups.

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Cherubi and Cherrim can fall down the berry tree near the alpha lopunny

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We hope you guys enjoy using this map. Any missing Pokémon or items please let us know and we will add them to the map as soon as possible! ????

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Luxio are in a few spots :)

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Quilfish are present around Ramanas Island :)

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Thanks for all the hard work and for answering our comments the only comment I have sent here was the Space-time distortion section and you have added it afterwards and I want to thank everyone from this community who helped filling these maps i have completed everything in this game including post game stuff in about 84H and i really took my time in the story for anyone who doesn't care about the story i believe he can finish everything in about 35H+ all thanks to these maps. Keep up the good work ????????

User profile pic

Thank you for being here and your suggestion! It was a good one and it's certainly helped improve the maps a lot. We are still tweaking the maps and will be supporting them for some time to come :)

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me at 83H... still have half the dex to compleate and need to get like 4 mons left...

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There's an unmarked Alpha Luxury right next to the Alpha Snorlax.

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We need a section for Space-time distortion pokemons that would be much appreciated

User profile pic

We have now added Space-time Distortions to the map with the Pokémon that can appear inside the marker popups.

User profile pic

We have now added all 20 Old Verses & the Dig Sites to the maps.

User profile pic

Added Space-Time Distortion info to the maps today!

User profile pic

This tool is crazy. Had to make an account just to say thanks!

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Thank you! And thanks even more for your support and just being here.

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Thanks for all of your support, a lot of time and effort goes into these and your kind words mean a lot :) Do continue to let us know if we've missed anything, it's greatly appreciated!

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There is actually a 3rd eevee spawn point, northwest of the leftmost lake of Horseshoe Plains near the tree in that direction.

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Firstly, thank you for making this exist. And secondly I'd like to contribute this: The sisters can spawn before post game. I've encountered them whilst using this guide to get rare spawns like Pichu.

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Update: The sisters spawn as soon as you've completed and unlocked the next area. I revisited Coronet Highlands a little after unlocking the Alabaster Icelands and I spotted Charm on a cliff.

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I had just unlocked the Coronet Highlands but instead of continuing the story I went back and caught what I haven't had yet and completed some Obsidian Fieldlands quests. When a time-space distortion appeared while I was working the Munchlax spawns I came across Coin then Charm then used this guide to later find Clover.

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Do you know how far into the game you were? My assumption would be after the Main Story meetings, they can spawn in these locations. If anyone else has more info when they might encounter them, do let us know.

User profile pic

There's a misplaced Alpha Lickylicky marker to the northeast of Lake Verity that's not there in-game. The only Alpha Lickylicky spawn I know of is in the Crimson Mirelands

User profile pic

Hi Ancel3. Looks like we have corrected this now! Thank you for pointing this out.

User profile pic

We hope you guys enjoy using this map. Any missing Pokémon or items please let us know and we will add them to the map as soon as possible! ????

User profile pic

Luxio are in a few spots :)

User profile pic

Quilfish are present around Ramanas Island :)

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Cherubi and Cherrim can fall down the berry tree near the alpha lopunny

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The app is amazing it is a great help. Thank you for all the hard work you did. And It is better on the PC on mobile everything is jumbled up together when zoomed out makes it difficult navigate through without being fully zoomed in.

User profile pic

Thank you. It's definitely best viewed on desktop, but should work well on mobile too. We'd recommend zooming in using 'pinch to zoom' or the '+/-' icons in the top right corner of the map. You can also use the full screen icon (also located in the top right of the map) to enlarge to 100% for maximum viewability!

User profile pic

Very nice map. Used it to collect all Incognito, Verses and Wisps. The Pictures are especially helpful for the Incognito. I would love to see Location added for the Bandit Sisters, as they are great to farm Money in late game PLA

User profile pic

Added their possible spawns here for you :) Please note that there is only a chance so you'll need to reset at Jubilife to make them appear if they don't show.

User profile pic

I just wanted to say thank you for making this map, its been a big help. Also there is a shaking tree encounter with Combee on windswept run island.

User profile pic

Thanks for the kind words, it means a lot! I've added the Combee, thanks for the info!

User profile pic

We’ve now added Pokémon Types and National Dex information to the Pokémon popups.

User profile pic

I'm appreciate you guys making this it has helped me tons! I have been grind money form the miss fortune sisters in this zone, and I wanted to know if u guys wanted the cord abt where all of their spawns? they are all close and in the are u have marked, but i have seen Coin spawn in 5 points, 3 points for charm, and 4 for clover.

User profile pic

They definitely spawn in slightly different locations each time but always within a tiny region. We've purposely not added them all because they are within such a small area, it would overload and confuse the map. Thank you though and I'm really glad the map is helping! :)

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Guys, any tips for appearing Eevee alpha. Please I really want an alpha eevee =((.Thanks!

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Thanks, I'll try that way. Is the moon-shaped lake where there is a tree?

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Go to the first camp in the field lands and wait until morning, run east of the camp and there should be two bidoofs (towards the top of map to the left of the first body of water east of the camp), catch them both then run south/east and there will be one bidoof(right above the river, left of the pond shaped like a moon closest to the camp), catch him. Fast travel back to the camp and wait until midday, go check where the bidoofs were and there should be an eevee spawn. After doing this a few times eventually an alpha eevee will appear. Lots of people say the time distortions but I tired my luck so many times with that and never got an alpha eevee. So I tried this method and got one in like 10 minutes.

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your best bet is trying to get an eevee outbreak in this area(thats how i plan on doing it)

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Not sure if this spawns naturally or if I got lucky but an alpha wurmple spawned at x3180 y3364 between the two rocks. The placement seems too natural for it not to be a lucky spawn but I could be wrong. Spawned at night while I was pichu hunting.

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thats a chance iv been over there alot and only see it occasionaly

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there are no fewer than four potential eevee spawns in the horseshoe plains area

User profile pic

Yeah there are quite a few. We've tried to do as many as possible without it becoming confusing. I might add a note in the description box to check around the Horseshoe Plains area more if Eevee hasn't spawned at the markers.

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Cherrim Bug has been fixed!

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Awesome! Updated the marker with the correct information :)

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Another Munchlax spawn location: x4460 y3950

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Nice spot! Thanks, added this to the map.

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gracias por los aportes

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I just want to add that a Alpha Drifblim can spawn on Ramanas Island at night cause i got a alpha drifblim spawn there please check. I got it 1 times so i think its rare

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Alphas spawn randomly too. We only mark the fixed Alphas on the map.

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I just found this site I have a question though do I have to have a premium account to track my collection.

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Hi there! Yes, to use the tracking feature it is a premium feature. Thanks for using our site!

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on your legend, it says there are 2 alpha golbals 1 only know of 1 location and on your map, there is only 1 location, if you would please enlighten me that would be great but if you can't please fix your legend ;)

User profile pic

Hi there! We have fixed this duplicate. Thanks for bringing it to our attention! :)

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x5656 y3448 Chimchar spawn Got lucky and got an alpha here ;)

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X5353 y962 have eevee

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I have collect every wisp of this map and the game still says theres one left

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Sorry, I found it. My mistake.

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There's also two Alpha Sythurs

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Guide Information
  • Publisher
  • Platforms,
  • Genre
    Action RPG
  • Guide Release
    9 January 2022
  • Last Updated
    20 January 2024
  • Guide Author

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