Todays Goals¶
- Collect 9 pieces of Fruit
After our streak of completing the remaining levels in a day each, the Tropical Wilds remains with a staggering amount for us still to do. Just count that remaining fruit, all 13 pieces of it.
It wouldn’t even be so bad if it weren’t for the fact that one is being held hostage by a Shaggy Long Legs, and another is buried deep, away from the reaches of our Yellow Pikmin. A fiendish situation indeed.
Start by having one captain summoning a group of Blue and Pink Pikmin, lots of Pink Pikmin. Around 30 Pink Pikmin. Send them south towards the destroyed Dirt Wall.
Have a second Captain summon a group of Blue, Yellow, Pink, and a few Red Pikmin, send him to the east, to the upper walkway that runs under the Waterfall (he will be throwing his Blue Pikmin up to grab the fruit sitting in the waterfall).
Have the third Captain summon a larger group of Blue Pikmin, around 20, and run him forward and slightly left, to the base of the waterfall.
We need to eliminate the enemies that are gathered here so that our Pikmin can successfully claim the waterfall fruit up above.
Once the Blue Pikmin are attacking these enemies switch command to Captain 2, and throw Blue Pikmin up to the ledge for the Fruit on the way past.
Once they’re climbing, give this captain a new ‘Go Here’ command further around on this pathway. Swap to Captain 3, and send him back to the Onion.
Mock Bottom
Captain 1 needs to be taken due south of the Onion. Deal with the Whiptongue Bulborb if you want, pop a Spicy Spray if need be, and then run south.
You’ll find a cave in the water inside which is a Dirt Wall, set your Blue Pikmin on it.
Meanwhile, swap back to Captain 2. Grab bomb rocks on your way past and continue forward, nipping right to eliminate the fire slugs on your way.
As you pass the Spicy Berry Plant look left, on top of the grassy ridge, to spot an avacado. Lock on and swarm your Pink Pikmin towards it.
Scaly Custard (2 of 2)
Continue forward, following the wall around and waddling over the pressure plate. You’ll pass under a fruit as you turn left, note that for your Pink Pikmin later.
Pass the crystal bugs and then hang a right at the brown bridge parts. Chuck your bomb Pikmin at the Bulborb to kill it, and then set your Yellow Pikmin on the gate here.
Swap back to Captain 3, who is currently sat at the Onion. Gather any idling Pikmin and then swap any Blues for Pinks if you have an excess of the azure ’min. Set him to ‘Go Here’ where you picked up the Avacado.
Take a look at Captain 1, the Blue Pikmin should be done with that Dirt Wall. Run past the Blue Pikmin, dismissing any that follow you – we only want Pink Pikmin with us - and run around and up onto the land in front of you.
Here sits a Calcified Crushblat . The apparent way to kill this chap is to chip his shell off with Rock Pikmin and then attack his squidgy inside, but we’re going to do something far easier.
Throw a Pink at the beast to wake it up. Now buff your Pinks with a Spicy Spray, run ‘under’ the creature, and initiate a charge. The Pink Pikmin will kill the thing in about four seconds, with no need to damage the shell.
Grab your fruit and scoot, calling the Blue Pikmin to you and setting a ‘Go Here’ to the Onion.
Searing Acidshock (1 of 4)
Swap back to Captain 1, the chap at the electric fence. Give him a ‘Go Here’ command to regroup with Captain 2.
Select Captain 2 and dismiss your army. Select the non airborne ‘min. Look towards the water, you’ll spot a Cherry just perched on an island, so go throw a Blue or Pink Pikmin at that while you’re here.
Cupid’s Grenade (3 of 3)
Return to the shore you were on and look left, next to a Granite Wall is sat a lovely bunch of grapes, so set your army on taking them back home.
Dawn Pustules (1 of 2)
Swap to Captain 1 and call the Pink Pikmin to you, then give a ‘Go Here’ command to stand under that Fruit we spotted before.
While he is running check back on Captain 3. Call any idle Pikmin to you, and then swap some of your followers for those of a more yellow persuasion. Once done, set a ‘Go Here’ command towards your other commanders.
Check on Captain 2. He should be near the fruit now, so target it and charge with your Pink Pikmin. A lovely prize. Give this captain a command to ‘Go Here’ to the Onion.
Stellar Extrusion (2 of 3)
Now for some fighting. Your Grape Pikmin should have returned, so gather them up with Captain 1 or 3, then head north.
Now, however, instead of following te wall, we’re going to kill the enemies around the water here. Blowhogs, an Aristocrab, a Wollyhop, if ever there was a time to pop a Spicy spray, now is the time.
Killing the Aristocrab will net you a Lime, too.
Zest Bomb (2 of 3)
Check across the river, too. There’s a banana poking out the ground. Set a large portion of your army on digging this up.
Slapstick Crescent
What’s more, head west along the main beach and you’ll spot a mound in the sand. This is actually a lemon, so get some Pikmin on uncovering this.
Face Wrinkler (2 of 3)
Well, this has been quite a productive day. By now we’ve collected a large portion of the remaining fruit, but there’s still a good remainder of the day left to spend.
If you want, use this extra time to squash baddies, blow up concrete walls, move some bridge pieces and generally sort out some odd jobs to ensure tomorrow runs as smoothly as possible.
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