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Defeat Crocodile Main Episode


"Luffy" iconLuffy and the others hurry to the clock tower to diffuse the bomb, but Mr. 2 Bon Clay strands in their way. They manage to defeat Bon Clay after an intense fight, but the time bomb continues to tick away. The Straw Hat "Pirate" iconPirates all work together to stop the bomb at the last second. Vivi remains in the plaza to try and talk to the fighting Rebel and Royal Armies, and the Straw Hat Pirates go to the Royal Mausoleum to take down Crocodile. It is there that the crew meet back up with Robin.


Interactive Map Locations

Marker screenshot

1. Royal Mausoleum (Alabasta) Map

X: 1305 Y: 2183

Once you have the key to the door you can move onto your battle with Crocodile.

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