Hirabami Large Monsters
Leviathans that inhabit the Iceshard Cliffs. They have sharp, pincer-like tails and membranes on their necks that catch the wind to keep them aloft.
Leviathans that inhabit the Iceshard Cliffs. They have sharp, pincer-like tails and peculiar membranes on their necks that catch the wind and keep them aloft. Hirabami can sometimes be sighted nesting in groups along the cliffs, using their scales or foreclaws to cling to walls or ceilings while they sleep.
Helpful Hints
Hirabami can remain aloft as they maneuver skillfully between the ground and the sky. You’ll need to watch out for those tail claws, but handle an attack well to turn it into a counterstrike opportunity. Destroying the membrane on their necks will lower their guards while aloft. Furthermore, you can target the membrane wound to knock them out of the air, making this a prime target.

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