Once again lets try to be as stealthy as possible. You don’t want to mess with those shielded soldiers.
You’ll start in the southeastern corner and the soldiers are in the same place as before plus there are 3 more soldiers. There’s one on the bridge you used in the previous mission when you were here. There are 2 more guarding the stairs on the northwestern corner, which you have to take, but before that check the western side of the bridge (on top of course) to find a POW. FRS him, take care of the soldiers near the stairs and proceed to the next area.
In this area you’ll find 2 soldiers patrolling the central area. Take care of them and FRS the POW in the northeastern corner. Now proceed east to the next area.
As you enter the area check the northwestern corner to find a POW. Go east to find a shielded soldier. Use the pillar near him to CQC his ass. There’s another shielded soldier on the east side of the room so approach him from behind and CQC him. Now go down the stairs and approach the shutter. Open it like last time and proceed to the last area of the mission… and the end of it.
The time has come!
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