There’s an abundance of materials that can be found while exploring Miraland and these are used for things such as crafting clothing pieces. Read on to find out where to find Tangled Ribbon and what you can craft with it.
Defeating Sssack’s will earn you some tangled ribbons.
Where to Find Tangled Ribbon¶
There are lots of outfits you can craft in Infinity Nikki which will help you beat the various factions in stylist challenges, but these will require you to gather various resources from around Miraland. You can track some materials locations via the map, but not all of them can, such as Tangled Ribbons which makes things a little trickier. Tangled Ribbons are obtained via using the purification ability on Sssack’s enemies which look like snakes!
(1 of 2) Head over to the Breezy Meadow sub-region
Head over to the Breezy Meadow sub-region (left), to find Sssacks. (right)
You can find them around the Breezy Meadow sub-region and we’ve managed to find them pretty consistently guarding chests to the southwest of the Meadow Wharf Warp Spire. Tangled Ribbons aren’t a guaranteed drop so you may find yourself finding a fair few of these enemies to get your desired amount, but you can always head over to the Dig, Pear-Pal App which becomes available at level 20 and have that farm the materials for you while you go off and do other exciting activities. If you select the longest amount of hours and pay the most amount of mira, then you’ll get yourself quite a large quantity of ribbons!
More Infinity Nikki Guides¶
Infinity Nikki has so much to offer so if you’re feeling lost, or just want to find out more about new features, tips, and tricks, then be sure to check out the links below!
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