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Armoured Troll Trolls


The troll’s forehand-backhand club swing pattern attacks will break through common Shield Charms. Dodging is the safest defence.

Distance will not protect against an angry troll, as it will tear up chunks of earth and throw them at its targets.

After the troll slams its club on the ground with both hands, flipping it upwards with Filipendo will have greater leverage than usual, sending the club into the troll’s face for a powerful blow.

Hitting a troll with its own boulder will catch it off guard and make it more vulnerable to follow-up attacks.

Interactive Map Locations

Marker screenshot

1. Hogwarts Legacy World Map

X: 3033 Y: 1827
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2. Hogwarts Legacy World Map

X: 2980 Y: 3435

Armored Trolls and "Fortified Troll" iconFortified Trolls can be found in the Medium "Bandit Camp" iconBandit Camp here.

Marker screenshot

3. Hogwarts Legacy World Map

X: 3815 Y: 3637
Marker screenshot

4. Hogwarts Legacy World Map

X: 3780 Y: 3734
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