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Sanguine Noble (Invader) Invaders


This invader is an aggressive enemy who wields two daggers which build up blood loss. Their attacks are relentless and they can inflict massive amounts of damage in a short space of time, so you’ll need to be extremely careful to avoid being caught off guard by a flurry. The noble can also cast magical projectiles from the daggers if you keep your distance, but you’ll generally have an easier time if you can kite the noble while inflicting magic damage. Alternatively, don’t be afraid to use your most damaging melee attacks. The noble may inflict a lot of damage, but he’s more of a glass cannon than anything else. It won’t take many powerful hits to bring him down. The only complicating factor here is that there are stray dogs in the area, which can easily join the fight if you stumble upon them. If this happens, take them out as soon as possible so that you can focus on the noble.

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