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Shotguns in Warzone are incredibly effective weapons to use at short-range. Like in many other games, shotguns are not useful beyond a couple of metres, but in close quarter fighting, there is nothing better.

1) Streetsweeper

Streetsweeper w/ Attachments

The most recent to Warzone in terms of Shotguns, the Streetsweeper is a mobile, quick, and extremely fun weapon to use. It is a fully automatic shotgun and can allow you to move very quickly with it.

How to Unlock

The in-game challenge is to get 3 kills without dying in 15 different matches.

Best Attachments -

Muzzle – Agency Choke – This will keep you off enemy radars and increase accuracy both for aiming down sight and hip-firing. The muzzle does reduce damage range and mobility slightly, but this is compensated by other attachments.

Barrel – 13.3“ Reinforced Heavy – This increases damage range and bullet velocity, compensating for the loss with the muzzle. The increased barrel size does reduce sprint speed but means you can fight effectively at further ranges.

Laser – Ember Sighting Point – This laser will increase hip-fire accuracy and damage range, whilst reducing ADS and movement speed.

Stock – No Stock – This dramatically increases your movement speed; this is imperative as the other attachments have reduced this. Ensuring you’re able to move quickly with the shotgun is crucial in order to maximise the effectiveness of the weapon.

Ammunition – STANAG 18 Rnd – This gives you the highest ammunition available, and whilst it does increase reload time, it is worth it in order to take on as many opponents as possible.

2) JAK-12

JAK-12 w/ Attachments

The JAK-12 has great range, fire-rate, and reload speed. This shotgun will allow you to take on several players at once, moving quickly and quietly around Verdansk and Rebirth Island. It is also a lot of fun.

How to Unlock

You must achieve 3 hip-fire kills using a shotgun in 7 different matches. This can be any type of shotgun with any attachments, just no aiming down sight!

Best Attachments

Barrel – ZLR J-3600 Torrent– This dramatically increases the barrel size, meaning bullet-range and velocity is increased. The tighter pellet spread is useful but comes at the cost of ADS and movement speed, but this is not a big problem for the JAK-12.

Laser – Tac Laser – This gives better accuracy and helps you to control the already-low recoil of the weapon. Aiming down sight is more stable, this is particularly useful given this setup does not use an optic.

Underbarrel – Merc Foregrip – The Merc Foregrip further helps to control the recoil and help hip fire accuracy, meaning you can take on as many close-range targets as possible. Whilst ADS and movement speed is once again reduced, the JAK-12, like most shotguns, is so agile anyway, this only makes a minor difference.

Rear Grip – Rubberized Grip Tape – This will help you to control the recoil of the JAK-12, as most shotguns have an erratic recoil pattern, ensuring you can control this is key.

Ammunition – 32 Round Drum Mags – The largest shotgun ammunition possible for the JAK-12, and this will allow you to take on several players at once. For tight and panicked situations, this large magazine will be perfect to allow you to remain calm and fight effectively, without needing to worry about reloading.

3) Gallo SA12

Gallo SA12 w/ Attachments

How to Unlock

You have to achieve Level 34 in order to unlock this weapon.

Best Attachments

Muzzle – Agency Choke – This gives you suppression and removes you from the map, as well as increasing bullet velocity. Furthering the damage range of the weapon and providing vertical recoil control, this attachment is great for the Gallo SA12.

Barrel – 12.4“ Reinforced Heavy – The barrel gives you greater damage range and power in gunfights, allowing the Gallo SA12 to be an effective weapon at close to short-ranges.

Laser – Ember Sighting Point – This gives you stability and hip-fire accuracy, giving you help when aiming down sight and firing without aiming down sight. The flashlight is visible to enemy players, but the increased damage range and accuracy should help you to overcome this.

Stock – No Stock – This will help with ADS and sprint to fire speeds, allowing the Gallo SA12 to be an incredibly effective weapon to use in close-quarter fighting.

Ammunition – STANAG 12 Rnd Tube – This is the largest ammunition possible for this weapon, allowing you to fight several players at once.

4) R9-0

R9-0 w/ Attachments

A rapid-fire two shot shotgun that can be incredibly effective at close ranges. Like all shotguns, the R9-0 has great damage and high fire-rate allowing you to dominate close-quarter encounters.

How to Unlock

You unlock this weapon at Level 1 - Easy.

Best Attachments

Barrel – FORGE TAC Sentry – This gives the R9-0 tighter pellet speed and better, more agile mobility. Increasing damage range as well, this barrel will allow you to move quicker whilst effectively damaging your opponents.

Laser – Tac Laser – This attachment drastically improves ADS and movement speeds, as well as accuracy. With a shotgun, gunfights can often be very quick and erratic, and so ensuring accuracy and movement speed is optimised will help your aim and effectiveness.

Pumps – FSS R9-0 Bulldog – This offers more stability to the weapon, as the R9-0 can be difficult to control. Helping to stabilise the weapon comes at the cost of slower movement speed, but shotguns are incredibly mobile anyway, so this reduction will not be a problem.

Ammunition – Tube Extensions – This carries an additional 4 rounds, which will help you when fighting a squad of three or four. The ADS and movement speeds are reduced, but this will not be a problem with this shotgun.

Perk – Sleight of Hand – This perk decreases the reload time by 50%, meaning you can fight more enemies in a single confrontation. Particularly in Rebirth Island or areas of Verdansk where intimate fighting takes place, this perk will help you to use this weapon most effectively.

5) VLK Rogue

VLK Rogue w/ Attachments

A very mobile and high damage weapon, the VLK Rogue is excellent for eliminating enemies at close ranges. With a high fire-rate and strong damage output, this weapon will almost always be better than an SMG in close gunfights.

How to Unlock

You need to get 7 or more kills in 15 different matches using any shotgun that has all five attachments. Whether you pick one up off an enemy body, as ground loot, or a different shotgun from your loadout, this is a fairly tricky and time-consuming challenge to unlock the VLK Rogue. However, it is definitely worth it.

Best Attachments

Muzzle – FORGE TAC Marauder – This will suppress the weapon, increases damage range, and reduces recoil. These benefits mean your VLK Rogue can kill enemies in 1 or 2 shots, dependent on the range.

Barrel – VLK Czar – This further increases the damage range and accuracy, meaning your shots will hit harder, and in theory, be easier to hit. The additional weight that this barrel adds makes the gun more stable but does hinder your mobility. However, this is not a problem as all shotguns are extremely mobile and agile.

Pump Grip – XRK Race Grip – This helps with recoil control as well as ADS speed. Control and accuracy are improved with this attachment, and this is imperative when using a shotgun as their primary use is fast TTK (time-to-kill). Ensuring you hit your target is so important and therefore making this as easy as possible with your attachments is necessary.

Optic – PBX Holo 7 Sight – This sight increases ADS and movement speeds, meaning you can move around the map quicker, as well as in combat situations. The sight is not needed if you enjoy the iron sight of the VLK Rogue, but particularly as you get used to this weapon, this optic can help with aim and control massively.

Rear Grip – Stippled Grip Tape – Once more, this attachment increases ADS and sprint to fire speed, allowing you to beat your opponent to opening fire.

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Guide Information
  • Publisher
  • Platforms,
    PC, PS4, PS5, XB One, XB X|S
  • Genre
    Battle Royal, FPS
  • Guide Release
    7 July 2021
  • Last Updated
    31 August 2021
    Version History
  • Guide Author

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This guide for Call of Duty: Warzone includes:

  • A Beginner’s Guide - Includes everything you need to know to acquire your first victory!
  • A Weapons Guide - Includes information on the best weapons in the game.
  • A Map Guide - Includes information and tips on every zone in Verdank.

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