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Pterosaur II Ships


The "Pterosaur II" iconPterosaur II is a higher tier version of the "Pterosaur" iconPterosaur, found at the "Akila City" iconAkila City Spaceport. You’ll need to level up high enough to find this ship (15+) and you can expect a slight upgrade across the board of the Pterosaur, featuring slightly higher Hull, Reactor, Jump, Shield and all of the equipped weapons. As such, the Missiles this ship comes with now packs a punch, and the ship itself will remain a B Class ship, meaning you’ll still need to upgrade that "Piloting" iconPiloting Skill should you wish to fly it.

Location / Where to Find

  • Available to purchase at the "Akila City" iconAkila City Spaceport for 170,175 Credits.

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