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Kepler S Ships


The "Kepler S" iconKepler S is a Mission Reward from the "Overdesigned" iconOverdesigned Mission. Like the "Kepler R" iconKepler R, you must choose between that or this ship only, once per playthrough, as both are exclusive to this Mission. Unlike the R, which is a C Class ship, the Kepler S is a B Class ship which means you won’t need to raise your "Piloting" iconPiloting skill as high to be able to fly it. You’ll find less Hull on the S but it still boasts a massive 3200 Cargo Capacity. It does, however, lack any weapons equipped to the ship at all so be sure to add some to it if you take it out for a spin.

Location / Where to Find

  • This ship is a reward from the "Overdesigned" iconOverdesigned Mission, which is not available until after you’ve completed the A "High Price to Pay" iconHigh Price to Pay Main Mission (you may need to progress the story a little more following the events here so that Walter Stroud is approachable again). This will eventually lead you to the “"Stroud-Eklund Staryard" iconStroud-Eklund Staryard where the Mission will begin, this is one of two possible ships you can choose as a reward.

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