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Crimson Fleet Phantom Ships


The "Crimson Fleet Phantom" iconCrimson Fleet Phantom is an exclusive ship available to purchase at "The Key" iconThe Key, the spacestation belonging to the "Crimson Fleet" iconCrimson Fleet faction. As such, you’ll need to ensure you’re allied with the fleet in order to dock there and access the wares on offer. The ship itself is an A Class ship and much like the other two available for here, nothing to write home about. It is at least comparable to the Haunt (the Ghost is by far the worst of the three) offering similar Cargo Capacity (390) and weapons on offer. It also offers you 190 Shielded Capacity, much like the Haunt and probably the main draw of these ships but considering the "Razorleaf" iconRazorleaf ("Mantis" iconMantis) ship isn’t too difficult to get hold of early in the game, it makes these ships much less appealing.

Location / Where to Find

  • Purchase at "The Key" iconThe Key spacestation in the Kryx system for 68,819 Credits. You must be allied with the "Crimson Fleet" iconCrimson Fleet to dock at the spacestation.

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