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Andreja Main Companion


"Andreja" iconAndreja is a versatile Main Companion in Starfield. She excels in various skills, offering passive buffs in Physical Skill, Combat Skill, Tech Skill, and Social Skill. Her standout skill is "Stealth" iconStealth, maxed out at Rank 4, allowing for 40 successful sneak attacks and up to 100% reduced detection while sneaking.

She enhances the effectiveness of "Particle Beam" iconParticle Beam and "Energy Weapon Systems" iconEnergy Weapon Systems, making your Particle Beam weapons and Energy ship weapons more potent. Notably, Andreja possesses the "Theft" iconTheft skill at Rank 1, providing an edge in less honorable endeavors when needed.


To enlist "Andreja" iconAndreja in your crew, complete missions for the "Constellation" iconConstellation faction. During an expedition, you’ll encounter her in an "Abandoned Mine" iconAbandoned Mine while searching for an artifact. Successful completion of the "Into the Unknown" iconInto the Unknown mission will lead her to offer her services as a companion.

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