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Dubai Locations


"Dubai" iconDubai is a prominent location situated on the planet "Earth" iconEarth, formerly a part of the nation of the United Arab Emirates. Dubai, like many other places on Earth, experienced significant devastation and decay following the dissolution of Earth’s magnetosphere in the year 2203. The location encompasses the deteriorated remains of the Burj Khalifa, a well-known architectural landmark.

Location / Where to Find

Access to the "Dubai" iconDubai location can be obtained by reading the book titled “"Race to the Heavens" iconRace to the Heavens,” which is located on the desk in Larry Dumbrosky’s room (Number 5) in the guest quarters of the Siren of the Stars ship. Additionally, a Snow Globe associated with Dubai can be found within this location.

Mission Rewards (Upon Completion)

"Dubai" iconDubai Snow Globe

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